The Truth

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Sapphire just nodded, kind of embarrassed to tell her brother this, she wanted to be with her brothers and hunt with them all this time, she had always wanted to join them again but she knew that she couldn't even if she wanted to, plus she didn't know how she would have asked them.

"Well, why didn't you just ring and ask us, Sapphire! We missed you on all our hunts, you have always been the smart one and Dominic said you were a doctor and now you're in Forensics so that proves it. We would have gladly taken you back," Jackson said, a little bit sad and hurt as she couldn't call up and just ask them; he thought they were closer than that.

"I'm sorry, Jackson, but I was scared that you would say no to me," she explained. It was the total truth she was saying, she would hate it if family denied her; it would be like she wasn't wanted in the world. Jackson chuckled.

"Sapphire, how could we have said no to you? You are family, we could never ever have said no to you. Is that all you were scared of? Is that the only reason you said no?" Jackson was literally confused right now. How could she even think that they would have said no to her? He didn't understand at all and while he was thinking all of this, he was getting frustrated.

"Yes, Jackson, you know I do not like being denied. Just like dad denied me, you and I both know that Dad didn't want a girl and I was the thing he least wanted so he just let me go and do anything, but with you and Leo he protected you two." She was getting emotional because she knew that no one appreciated her for who she was. Jackson's frustration went away then because he knew it was true but nothing he said could help; he couldn't lie to his little sis, not after what happened.

"Dad still loved you, Sapphire; he just didn't want you to get hurt." Jackson tried hard to comfort her.

"So, what, you and Leo can play with guns to protect yourself and dad just let me go wherever I wanted whenever I wanted, he never looked after me when mum died, he just went training with you two. How is that loving and caring?" Sapphire was getting angry. Jackson just embraced Sapphire, hugging her tight, trying to calm her down, hopefully showing her that he loved and cared about her more than dad ever did, he was nothing like their dad. Jackson didn't want to be like his dad, he wanted to respect his family, whoever they were. Sapphire had tears running down her face; Jackson looked at her and wiped away her tears.

"It will be OK, Sapphire, I love you more than dad ever did; I also knew you were distraught when grandma died." Jackson started to calm her down before talking about the past again.

Sapphire brows drew together as she grew confused; no one knew what she felt when her grandma died, she felt like a ghost in fact – not a ghost, they get more attention than she did, she felt invisible.

"How did you know I was sad? You were too busy training to notice me. I was always just alone in the house, getting attacked once in a while but no; no one ever noticed me or my pain!" Sapphire had shouted, then grew silent noticing that she had spilt out her horrors that she had kept suppressed for so many years.

Jackson was totally surprised by her reaction and what she had said.

"You got attacked? You never told us!" Jackson's nostrils flared, he was furious; he didn't even suspect anything, he just thought...well, he didn't know what he thought.

Sapphire took a deep breath, knowing she had said too much. "How do you think I got all the cuts and bruises? Did you think they just magically appeared? No, demons or ghosts came and I had to kill them all by myself! I didn't need the training to kill demons or ghosts; I knew how to shoot accurately. Did you not hear the gunshots?" Sapphire was getting emotional because this showed no one cared about her.

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