Hatred and Betrayal

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After her trail of thought, she looked at Jackson and decided to believe the 'angel' inside her instead of her 'devil'.

"So you are saying, what? That Leo shot me? He would never do that to me! When you were ever in the changing type trouble he never shot you, he would have done something like knock you out, but he would never hurt you, so why would he hurt me? I don't understand, he wouldn't, would he?"

She looked down, totally confused, she couldn't handle what she had just been told. She still couldn't understand why he would do it, there was no logic behind it. She looked from Jackson to Dominic then she turned around swiftly and ran out of the double doors, out of the examining room and found her way out of the secret organisation by simply following the signs which had EXIT in bold written on it, she made several turns left and right bumping into people as she went by, each time she looked back to apologise. She skidded around one final corner bumping into a male doctor.

"Sorry, excuse me." She spoke hurriedly, about to move past him until he spoke back.

"Sapphire? What are you doing back here?" Dr Lincoln questioned.

Sapphire looked at him a little confused, "How do you know me? I am fine, my brother just being overprotective."

Lincoln looked over Sapphire's' shoulder, "You brother? Where is he exactly?"

Sapphire grunted, "Somewhere back there, now if you excuse me I need air to wrap my head around this."

She walked around the doctor and around another corner then saw the ladders to ground. She climbed the ladder gritting her teeth, as she felt a shot of pain in her abdomen.

"Why haven't you healed yet?" She muttered to herself. She saw a small wall, she decided to walk towards on it and sat down, putting her head in her hands, tears streaming down her face, feeling betrayed and hurt.

She felt her body start to tremble uncontrollably. She looked at her hands as her betrayal turned into anger. Rage. Her hands began to ripple, her bones began to change before her, soon her nails turning into claws about two inches long and her fingers starting to grow fur.

Sapphire's eyes widened with shock. She thought she had total control over her 'condition', but then again she hadn't felt this sort of pain in a long time. She closed her eyes and took a couple of deep breaths.

She heard Jackson starting to walk through the corridors to find her, she heard the water flowing below her through the drains, she could hear the birds flying above her, then suddenly she heard it louder than anything else around her, the heartbeat of her brother coming towards her. It was racing, was he scared or nervous? She couldn't quite figure it out but it was annoying her.

For some reason she just listened to it as it gradually started to slow down when she couldn't take it anymore so her eyes flew open, seeing Jackson looking at her with concern. She looked down at her hands, shocked, hoping with all her heart that she had gone back to normal when she looked at her hands and she sighed with relief when she saw that her hands had returned to their normal selves so she just flexed her hands into fists then straight again.

Jackson finally spoke. "Are you OK? I mean you didn't punch a wall or something, did you? You didn't hurt your hand at all, did you? You're flexing it like you are in pain or something."

Sapphire moved her hands to her sides. "No, my hands are fine, thank you, I am hurt is what I am, I mean emotionally not physically, like I said if it was you trying to bite me he wouldn't have dared to shoot you but he shoots me, I mean what does that say? In fact, let's not do any heart to hearts, let's just concentrate on the hunt, I really don't care what you two really think of me right now."

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