Alternative Reality

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Sapphire woke up groggily, groaning at the stabbing pain in her abdomen. She faintly heard a voice call to someone else, "Hey, she is waking up. Thank God." She turned her head towards the voice forcing her eyes open, her vision was too blurry to recognise who was stood in front of her; she closed her eyes once more taking a deep breath before opening her eyes again.

Her eyes slowly came to focus on a man who was bending over to look at her, she recognised him instantly as Dominic, "Hey baby, you gave us a scare there. That serial killer nearly had you."

"Serial killer? You mean that...that demon?" she looked at him confused. He had to have meant that demon right?

"That serial killer was certainly a demon, he murdered so many women in cold blood and just because you were getting close to catching him he targeted you. I am so sorry. I should have protected you better. Please forgive me."

She frowned more confused than ever. What was he going on about? "I...I don't understand Dominic. I was the one meant to be protecting you."

Dominic chuckled softly, shaking his head before kissing her forehead, "I know you always seem to think that but the man is always supposed to protect their woman."

"Well, umm, what happened to him? Did you get him?" Sapphire tried to not sound crazy as she felt. He had to be messing around with her.

"You don't remember anything, do you? The doctor said you might be confused when you woke up." He sat on the edge of her bed. "What was the last thing you remember?"

Great, how am I going to lie my way through this one? "Umm." She scratches her head, "I guess I remember falling down the stairs, when I landed on the ground, he climbed on top of me and he stabbed me, then you came and...and that's all I remember." She didn't even know she was trembling until Dominic took her hands in his.

"Hey, it is ok now, he cannot hurt you. He is in jail right now, waiting for his court date." He turns her hand over and gently rubs circles in her palm in an attempt to keep her relaxed as he spoke the next sentence. "Sapphire, we need you to testify against him as a victim."

"We? Who are we?" she mutters, taking both of her hands out of his to rub her temple, her head was banging, she didn't understand anything that was going on.

"Sapphire is-" he starts to talk but his phone cuts him off. He looks at the caller ID and sighs. "Babe, I got to take this, ok?" She just nods her head slightly. Which causes Dominic to kiss her forehead then answer the call. "Detective Freeman."

Whoa, wait, what? Detective? What is going on? Sapphire swings her legs off the bed and stands up, she groans loudly, her legs trembling. I shouldn't be this weak, should I? I should be healed by now. With Dominic's back now to her, she lifts her hospital gown up, it was covered in bandages. She sighs frustrated, she starts to unravel the bandage. She completed ignored the conversation Dominic was having on the phone, after all, it must have been 'police business'.

Dominic starts talking to her after he hung up. "Sapphire I need to..." he turns around to talk to her face to face. His eyes widen at what she was doing. "What the hell are you doing?" he shouted at her taking a few long strides towards her, taking her hand away from the bandage, he wraps it back up. Once he is finished he looked up into her eyes. He saw how lost she looked, how shocked and scared she looked. He sighs softly, silently cursing himself for being over dramatic especially after everything she had been through.

"Sapphire, look at me." When she doesn't, he rests his finger under her chin, lifting her head up making her look at him. "I know you are scared, being kidnapped isn't something you can just brush off like you do with everything else." He looked her in the eyes to show how serious he was, "I cannot lose you, Sapphire. You mean everything to me."

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