Ancient Vampire

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Sapphire looks at each of the werewolves before she talks, "Ancient vampires as you know are the very first vampires to emerge in this realm, they have immense power, speed and strength. This particular ancient vampire can make anyone he wishes immortal. This means that the demons on his side will be immortal too, this is why you need to take out the vampire as soon as possible. Though these vampires are very difficult to kill they are not impossible to kill, they are not immortal, they have eternal life, yes, but they can be killed and I know how to kill them." By now all of the wolves are laying down listening to her, giving her their undivided attention.

"Ancient vampires hold their power in an orb of a staff, the powers in that orb would kill any being that tried to consume it. A few of the ancient ones have attempted it and have died in the process. Their powers come from a different realm, dimension. Not hell like everyone thinks, from a dimension that is unknown to us all. Now before any of you question how I know any of this I am only telling you what is rumoured by the vampires, I am being told by Savannah. So first I am going to tell you what we know of the ancient ones, what their strengths and weaknesses are and then we will tell you how to kill them."

"Why? Just tell them how to kill it?" Leo speaks up, which he instantly regrets as growls are heard throughout the pack.

Jeremy turns to look at Leo and translates, "They said, 'you do not interrupt the Luna' and 'you cannot kill anything unless you understand them, the Luna taught us that.'" Jeremy pauses for a moment to add, "I personally suggest you stop interrupting."

"Thank you, Jeremy." Sapphire was certainly grateful for the translation as she didn't want to see cocky about her abilities. She starts to address all in front of her again. "13 ancient ones came to earth around 160BC to look for a realm that will keep them alive, they had eaten their way through yet another realm. They had never met a species that could kill them, nor could they become anything like them, these ancient vampires are said to be billions of years old. It is said this realm is the 2017th realm they came to, the other 2016 they ran dry." She looked around to see everyone engrossed in the story behind the ancient ones. She turned to her left to see Dominic staring at her encouragingly as he too was fascinated by what she was saying. In fact, anything she said he found fascinating.

She smiled and took his hand in hers before starting to talk again, "First they explored the planet, they saw that the animals alone would keep them alive for many centuries but soon enough they met humans, the species that looked exactly like them but they had hearts, they lived and died.

At first, they swore that they would not kill the humans until they understood them more, but one of them was bloody thirsty, he got the scent and he had to taste it so he did. He ran and just fed off the neck, he soon lost control and killed every human in the village they were at. He ran back to the others swearing it was the best thing he had ever tasted and that everyone should try it. They all tried the humans, to them it tasted like the first time they had tasted blood, it was paradise they had found a realm that would satisfy their needs but they would have to be cautious, they could not kill all of their food, they would have to keep themselves under control. Obviously, the first one to try human blood disagreed, he ran off leaving a blood trail, the others followed his trail. That is when they found one he foolishly kept alive, that is when they first realised the human species could adapt to the venom and turn into a weaker version of them. When they finally caught up to the bloodthirsty ancient one they killed him, but by the time they had caught up to him he had made 4 new vampires, all by mistake, humans were the first species to become one of them, they were stunned and didn't know what to do except to teach them their ways, that is exactly what they did.

These new vampires followed them everywhere they were the ancient one's slaves, they started to enjoy it so they made more and more vampires, not knowing that each time they turned a vampire they made their body weaker and weaker. In 1398AD they could not hold their power any longer, they had made billions of vampires, many of them died so they had to make more, six of the ancient ones died from weakness, which is when the remaining ancient ones decided to convert their powers to a staff which they would protect which their life."

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