Two In One

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Sapphire repeated once more, "Μετά από όλα όσα έκανα για σένα. Μου προδίδεις ακόμα;" her mind automatically translating the language as she speaks. 'After everything I have done for you. You still betray me?'

"Is that Greek?" Dominic questioned, is there any language she doesn't know? He thinks to himself, it was confusing him. All he could figure out was that she was extremely angry, but to who? The person in front of them?

Jackson looks just as puzzled as Dominic, he shakes his head as his shoulders are brought up into a shrug, "I presume so, she isn't talking to the demon though, that is why he is angry. He doesn't understand what she is saying. Which means she is talking to Stheno."

The stranger laughs loudly, the sound lasting a few extra seconds as it echoes through the empty deserted house. "You're human, a mundane friend would never be able to control Stheno. Stheno must be talking to your friend."

"Does that sound like Stheno to you?" Jackson replies with a smirk plastered on his face, his head tilts to the side. "You seem happy to see her, does she look happy to see you?" He carries on to question. They all turn to look at Sapphire just as she says, not paying any attention to what is going on around her.

"Είναι επίσης εχθρός σου;" He is your enemy? Sapphire looks towards not only her enemy but Stheno's enemy. Her language easily converting back to English so that everyone could understand her. "Glasya Labolas, you have a choice to make. You can either go up against us four, or you can just hand over my brother unharmed, the choice is yours."

Glasya looks from Sapphire to Jackson to Dominic. "I can only count three of you, maybe you are not as smart as you thought you were."

"Glas the run away, the one that ran from fear. The one that didn't want to raise his own child, the one that would rather sit on a throne ordering around 36 armies, then be with his family." Sapphire smiles, taking a step forward. "She doesn't love you anymore Glasya, you abandoned her, so now she abandons you."

"I did not run!" He bellows, in a blink of an eye, Glasya had Sapphire by the throat pinning her against the wall.

"You did after you abused her like you are me." Sapphire manages to choke out.

"Leave Sapphire alone! This is a fight between me and you leave her and her family out of it." A strong powerful voice comes out of Sapphire's mouth, her eyes turning black with a slither of gold in. Sapphire's hand slams against Glasya's wrist, she grips his wrist tight.

Glasya hisses, pulling his hand away. "You ungrateful bitch!" He tries to backhand her, but she grabs his wrist before it lands on her. "I have caused chaos in this town for you, to get you back and you say you don't even want me!"

Jackson and Dominic stare staring in shock, not understand what is going on at all. They had never seen this side of Sapphire before. They were terrified of it, though they would never admit that to her. They turn to look at each to true to figure out what to do, they both shrug deciding to stay out of it.

"Well, you shouldn't have! I don't want you, you should leave now and take all of your minions with you!" Stheno demands, staring him right in the eyes.

"What has this human done to you? You used to love destroying things, you would laugh at their pain, I did all of this to make you laugh." Glasya replies softly, taking a step towards her, "I can kill the human for you, then we can be together forever." He adds in a whisper.

Stheno pushes him away, "No! I do not want to be by your side, I do not want you to destroy anything in this world. This human has taught me a lot, evil isn't everything, you can have fun when being good. In fact, I have had a lot of fun destroying evil rather than good."

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