Things Are Different Now

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Jackson heard every word from inside, he sighed deeply, shaking his heads, not understanding what Sapphire wanted from him.

Meanwhile, Dominic was trying to understand what Sapphire had said. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Slow down, what is going on?" he questioned, concerned.

Sapphire groaned loudly and stormed past Dominic, too mad to explain, but Dominic didn't let her go that easily, he grabbed her arm. "What are you doing? Let go of me, or I swear to god I will..." she stopped, not finishing the sentence, she didn't want him to find out what she was yet, not this way.

Calm down Sapphire, you can control it all. Don't take it out on him, he hasn't done anything to you. He has just helped you, don't lash out.

Dominic frowned but didn't let go of Sapphire's arm, he automatically went defensive, "What? What will you do to me, eh?" he questioned like an officer of the law. Though he thought, that was a bad idea, it's not her fault, why did I do that? I am determined to make her see sense, it isn't her fault, she doesn't know what is going on, if I could just explain it to her, she might calm down.

Sapphire uncontrollably got furious, she was not in control anymore, she punched him, which caused him to lose the grip he had on her, so he could hold his nose that she just broke. "That is what I will do." She spoke with poison in her voice. That was when Sapphire sprinted off, trying to get away because she was so furious and she was scared she would hurt anyone even more than she had.

Why? Why? Why? Was all she thought as she ran as fast as her human legs could take her.

She ran through all the shortcuts she knew off, hoping that her brothers wouldn't know about them, she kept thinking as she ran I can't believe I did that. Why did I do it? He has done nothing to me. This is all your fault; I swear if I could kill you I would have already!

The voice in Sapphire's head replied, they don't go blaming me for this, you could have just ignored me but no you listened to me.

You're in my head, I cannot listen to you, you always decide to talk when I really don't want you too, that was the worst time. Sapphire replied to the voice in her head angrily.

Well if you let me take charge once in a while and things wouldn't be so bad and I wouldn't be so grouchy, I mean you don't even use your abilities just in case your brothers hate you, well guess what you have lived without them nearly all your life, you don't need them. You didn't have to call them here, but you did; why?

I need them here, you know better than I do that something big is going on in this town, more than what I can deal with alone, I need as many people as I can. Now shut up and let me think. Sapphire silenced the voice in her mind, just as she spins around a corner round to another cut.

* * *

Jackson ran out, hearing what had happened from inside.

"What the hell happened?" Jackson questioned looking at Dominic in shock.

Dominic just shook his head, "She cannot control it, it isn't her fault, go after her before she does anything else, just remember it is not her fault, she is not in control of it, it's like it is her but something bigger is pulling her to darkness." He tried to explain the best he could.

Jackson nods understanding completely, knowing this wasn't his sister. "Leo! Help Dominic then comes find me and help me do not hurt Sapphire in any way." He bellowed.

Jackson then quickly turned on his heels and went running after Sapphire, knowing she couldn't have been far ahead. Leo came running out, looking at Dominic's nose, to see it was bleed and broken Damn she has a hard hit. He thought to himself as he cracked Dominic's nose back into place, then takes him inside.

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