Battle Against The King

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Jackson walked slowly and cautiously in the direction that Sapphire pointed him in, it seemed like he was walking forever until suddenly he saw something. He jogged to the person that was tied to a tree. He knelt down by the person, seeing that it was Dominic, and pressed his fingers against Dominic's neck; he just had a pulse.

Jackson took his knife out of his pocket and cut the rope, slung Dominic over his shoulder and started to walk back till his path was blocked by Abaddon.

He wasn't in human form this time; he was in a terrifying looking form. He was a blackish grey sort of colour with smoke coming from him like he came straight from burning in hell to earth. He had horns coming out of his head, which must have been four inches long; they were sharp had curls going round themselves. Jackson noticed the claws on his hands and his feet and then the tail; it was a long tail that tapered into a cross sort of shape where it finished.

Abaddon smirked. "Well, well. I expected Sapphire to be here wanting to save him. But she let you come and get him just because you said so - now that is trust, loyalty and stupidity."

"Not really, it shows that he trusts me and I trust him." Both Abaddon and Jackson turned around; seeing Sapphire they stared in shock.

"Where did you come from! I scanned the place and you were nowhere near around!" Abaddon shouted, annoyed with himself and that she could get the better of him.

Sapphire grinned wildly. "Someone is a little touchy, aren't they? Is it because I killed, err, what were they called? Mammon and Carson. That's it," mocking Abaddon then smirking as Abaddon started frowning.

"You...Did you kill them? That is impossible, they are immortal, nothing in the world can kill them." Abaddon was getting unsettled, shuffling from one foot to the other.

Sapphire and Jackson chuckled and this time Jackson spoke. "Vampires are immortal too yet we kill them, demons used to be very hard to kill but now it is as easy as killing Rugarus, vampires, werewolves, ghosts. Hey, I actually think that ghosts are harder to kill than demons now."

Abaddon snarled, "Don't mock me, boy! You do not know who you are messing with. I am the King of Hell, I can make sure you are running for the rest of your measly little life and as for your stupid little blades, I personally made sure that we couldn't be killed by blades or guns."

Sapphire shrugged, walking closer to him. "Yeah, well, we have evolved loads since then, we have invented things and I decided to make it my job to invent a knife that kills you ghastly lot and looks, I did it." Sapphire held up her bloody blade, some blood already drying but at the tip, it still dripped.

Abaddon stared, horrified at how a knife could kill his creation. "No way, that isn't their blood, that could be anyone's blood."

Jackson rolled his eyes, getting impatient. "Where are they then? If you go south-west their guts will be laid out for you. Sapphire, why are we talking to him? Why can't we just kill him?"

Sapphire looked at her brother. "I'm trying to figure out whether to tie him up and get things out of him or just to slaughter him like his lot slaughtered our family and other people's families. Who knows, I haven't decided yet. What do you think, brother?"

Abaddon backed away slightly, Jackson looking at him. "Well, I think we should just slaughter him, you see if we take time to him he might think we care or want something and we really don't need anything from him because we are so good we can find anything else without his poxy little help."

Sapphire shrugged. "Sounds fair to me." Sapphire appeared behind Abaddon, grabbing his arms behind his back holding them tight. She closed her eyes, bringing everything within her together, she felt herself becoming stronger, she felt her werewolf working together with the vampire and the demon.

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