The Waiting Game

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They all just sit and wait. That is all they could do for now. the rest is just up to Sapphire and how strong she is. Jackson sighs deeply trying to make conversation though it was hard.

"So, Aaron how come you are helping us? Is Sapphire in your pack?" He asks with curiosity even though his voice was broken and cracked most of the sentence.

How was he supposed to feel? Is he supposed to be angry because at his brother for not fighting harder, himself because he didn't spot it earlier or at Sapphire because she sacrificed herself for him? All he knew was that his possessed brother just attacked not only him but his sister. How did he not see it? How did he not see that his own brother was being possessed? How did Leo not see or feel it? It was all their fault that she was like this, she is stronger than both of them put together. She would push through it...she has too.

Jackson looks up as soon as he hears Aaron' voice. "No, she isn't one of ours..." One of the wolves growls a little in disagreement. "Luna, you know I want her part of our pack but you know she won't accept the offer, you know why."

"Why? Why won't she accept your offer? Isn't it safer for her to be in a pack?" Jackson questions not understanding why she would turn down the offer. She would be safer around her kind. Wouldn't she?

Aaron sighs deeply, sliding down the wall staring at Sapphire that still had her head rested on Dominic's legs. "Because of what she is, it is hard for her to be around us. The vampire within her despises us but Sandalio loves us, craves to be near us. She fears living with us in case her vampire snaps and kills one of us. You need to understand that it is hard for her not only because it is incredibly hard to control but also because she doesn't fully belong anywhere. We would love to have her part of the pack but the vampire would hate it. She could be a vampire clan but Sandalio would hate it. She could let the demon control her but the human would hate it so would Sandalio because she likes to be in control too. So she stays here, interacts with us when we need her or when Sandalio wants to be near us. Every now and then she'll run with us especially when we have a young one."

Aaron turns to look at Jackson who was listening to every single word that is said. "The answer to your question is we are helping because we owe Sapphire everything, we would lay our lives down for her because she has taught us everything we know, how to not be hunted by one of you."

Jackson frowns a little, he understood everything about Sapphire now. He learnt a lot about her struggles, he wondered how she could be so strong. "What is this Sandalio you keep talking about?"

Luna turns into a human looking at Jackson right in the eyes, "It's her wolf's name. It means true wolf. The problem isn't Sapphire in this town she kept it all safe for everyone. The town's hero though only a few of us knew about it. You and that brother of yours marched into town and all hell breaks loose. We should have killed him in the woods." Luna's eyes turn to gold when she snarls from anger.

"Luna, stand down. It was Sapphire's request that we didn't kill him. She knew this could happen." Aaron voice soft but had the hint of Alpha in it.

Luna looks to Aaron and walks back to his side, she still glared daggers at Jackson before turning to look at Sapphire. "That is the problem, she is too selfless. She tries to show everyone the good and this is what happens. Everything within her is evil but she fights it and finds goodness. She tried to show that brother of hers goodness and all he has is evil inside him."

"Stop talking about her like she's dead!" Dominic shouts at the top of his voice. Everyone snaps their head to look at him, they forgot that he was even in the room at the moment. "You can complain about how selfless she is but I bet none of us would be alive if she wasn't. Jackson wouldn't be, I would have been in that room instead of in that stupid room trapped."

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