Dominic's Job

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Sapphire asked curiously, "What bad things, which creature do you think did this?" wanting to know what he thoughts where. That is when she realised she had messed up saying 'creature', she then knew he would question her. Damn, I am screwing up so much around him, what is with him that makes me like this.

"Just the things that we experiment on," Dominic answered, making sure he didn't say the creature's name. He hesitated, Wait? She said creature, not just bad things, she asked curiously not terrified. Has she been playing me all of this time? Does she know about the dark side of the world? He added quickly, "Wait, you said creature – you know about them, don't you?

"You experiment with bad things? And that doesn't answer my question, what bad things?" she said, ignoring his question. Not wanting to be questioned she started to act stupid again.

"I don't do the experiments; my work colleagues do that. You wouldn't believe me even if I told you," he said, but he was uncertain with her. He can't get out of his head that she said 'creature' in a general conversation.

"Try me," she challenged him, she needs to know what he thinks killed these people. She needs to know if it is the same as what she thinks did it.

"Do really want to know?" Dominic asked curiously.

She just wants to know if I know, maybe she will let me know what she knows if I tell her the truth.

"Yes I do, I wouldn't be asking if I didn't, would I?" she said impatiently, she needed to know what he knew.

"No, I guess not and fine then..." He looked directly at her, "...they are zombies." He spoke as if it was a normal conversation.

Sapphire flinched a little, she hated zombies the most, they gave her the chills the way the dead look at people. When Dominic said that and when he saw her flinch he smirked, but he was half of the seat ready for her to either scream or collapse but she just said, her voice strong and not full of fear, "Your job is to find zombies? And then your work colleagues do experiments on them? Isn't that a bit dangerous?"

He frowned slightly, not understanding her reaction. "Yeah, it is my job to find zombies or people that could turn into them, which could be these ones." He walked to look at the bodies again. "And yes, it is a very dangerous job; I like danger so I like my job. I don't give a shit if I die because I have been saving lives for four years now." Dominic turned and smiled at Sapphire trying to ease her in case she was faking this whole reaction or this was her in shock.

"They could be zombies?" She asked as she moved to the bodies and stood next to Dominic, looking at the bodies as well. "How?" Sapphire questioned, trying to get all of the updates on what was happening in the darkness of the world.

"If it was a zombie that did this, the zombie has a bite that has poisonous venom in its teeth and this venom will change the people into one of them," he explained to her simply, because the scientific version would probably go straight over her head.

"Oh right, well, I was doing a blood test till you came in," Sapphire said, smirking knowing that he needed the blood samples to carry on with his mission.

"You were?" he asked, smirking back, he very rarely got cases where the person he associated with was helpful. In fact, this was the first time. "Sorry, carry on." Then he looked into her eyes and said, "Do you actually believe me?"

Sapphire met his eyes before starting to do the blood test again. "Yes, I do believe you," she said once she had looked at the blood through the scope, and continued, "Only because there is no animal that can bite this deep... and this blood test is not good!"

Dominic came to her side and put his hand on her shoulder, she jumped a little. "What is it?" he asked urgently.

"The blood, it is..." Sapphire looked again to make sure she was right, "...the venom is spreading fast and the venom is making the blood turn purple!" she said, shocked that it turned the blood that colour she never knew that until now.

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