Sapphire's Childhood

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Jackson looked at the diary curiously. He turned to look at Sapphire to see that she was still in a deep sleep, and then he picked up the diary and opened it to read the first page, which reads:

19 July 1986

Well, diary, it has been the same day, as usual, Jackson and Leo outside with Daddy training to fight for their lives, while I am stuck in the house with no protection, no nothing. I am so sad and I feel like no one can see me, I feel like I am invisible to my own family, no one ever asks how I am, or if I need help with anything or even if I want to talk. No one ever talks to me anymore, since...since grandmother died. It's always if Jackson and Leo are ok, it is never Sapphire, how are you coping? I got attacked again today, and no one even asked how I got the cut, they just left me to clean myself up as usual. I had to get the ghost away myself again, but now it is angry it pushed me violently down the stairs and now I am really achy and my leg really hurts when I walk on it, I think it is broken but I will just have to live with it and pretend everything is ok as usual because I don't want to tell Daddy about it because he will just think I am lying like he always does, if I told Jackson or Leo then their automatic reaction would be to go and tell Daddy. So I am alone in my room in pain telling you my day, since I can't talk to anyone else, I'm going now.

While Jackson was reading the diary page tears streamed down his face, and began to drop on the page he was reading, that was when Leo came in with a cup of tea for Jackson and he frowned as he saw where Jackson was and what he had in his hand.

"Jackson? What are you doing in there? That's private stuff, isn't it? Wait, why are you reading her diary?" Leo asked, appalled Jackson would do that.

Jackson jumped a bit. "How else are we going to find out about what happened to Sapphire? We weren't like a family to her. Listen to this." He looked at the diary and started to read from it. "I am so sad and I feel like no one can see me, I feel like I am invisible to my own family, no one ever asks how I am, or if I need help with anything or even if I want to talk. No one ever talks to me anymore since...since grandma ...died" Jackson sighed deeply looking up from the diary to his brother. "You know, I never even noticed that she was sad, that is how bad of a brother I am, if I can't even tell when she is sad and lonely, and even get pushed down the stairs violently by an angry ghost!"

Leo sighed then frowned, walking to his brother. "Pushed down the stairs by an angry ghost? Is that what it says in there?" Leo asked, shocked, as he walked to Jackson.

Jackson watched his brother as he walked towards him then he just nodded, then out of the corner of his eye he saw Sapphire stirring around on the bed. He put the diary back down in its place then he walked quickly to the bed in case she was waking up. He sat down on the edge of the bed next to Sapphire and wrapped his arm around her safely and held her close to make her feel like she was safe and loved. He held her close till she stopped stirring around and he looked down and Sapphire was awake. Jackson smiled. "Hey Sapphire, you OK?"

Sapphire looked around, all confused on what was going on; she looked up to see her oldest brother. "Jackson?" Then she looked around the room to see her other brother, the middle child. "Leo?" Sapphire looked at them, confused, as she didn't know why they were there. "What are you two doing here?"

Leo looked at Jackson and Jackson looked back at Leo, then Leo said, "You don't know why we are here?" Sapphire simply shook her head, and then Leo hesitated before he replied. "You called us here, because of the zombies in town, do you not remember?"

Sapphire thought about it and nodded. "Yeah, I remember now, but why are you two in my room, with my secret room?" then, without noticing what she just said, she shouted, "You went into my secret room! It's coded for a reason; it means no one goes in except me or someone who I give permission to; you don't just go in there anytime! It has private stuff in there that I don't want anyone seeing." Sapphire was furious that her brother could have done that to her. They went through her stuff like that when she was asleep.

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