Team Demons

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After a couple of hours the blades were finally all created, though Stheno knew it would keep the men safe; it had weakened Sapphire considerably, she was worried about her though she knew Sapphire would want the war to go on without her, the land could not be taken just because she was injured and weakened.

Stheno stood up the earth span even for her, damn how much blood did we use, Saph? She questioned though she gained no reply which caused her to worry more, she shook her head to dismiss the worry that was growing inside her, she could not be worried now, she needed to be in the right state of mind or the battle could be lost. She needed to lead the people in front of her, even if it meant she had to lead from afar, thanks to Sapphire's connections most of the warriors could hear her thoughts, we could win this; knowledge will always beat power. Saph taught her that.

So now it was time to push past the weakness and give the warriors what they need, a weapon that could, no, will give them the advantage to win this war, once and for all. Stheno pushed through her dizzy spell and walked back through the underground bunker, climbing back towards the surface to see that the vampires, werewolves and hunters were mingling?

Stheno had to shake her head to make sure she was seeing things right, they were defiantly mingling. It never ceases to amaze her how war and fear can bring such different people together to fight for the same cause, it didn't matter that they were so different they came together when it mattered the most. It inspired her, even the vampires were having a civil conversation with the werewolves; they were planning. This was good. Very good. This means they would fight together as one, instead of three different species.

"I have those blades for you all. You should start getting into position, I can start to feel the power growing in the area, I would prefer that you were into position before Davorin made his appearance. Remember each and every one of you has different strengths and different weaknesses, work together as one and each weakness can be turned into a strength. Werewolves' weakness is they have never fought demons before but with the vampires' knowledge of demons it balances out. One last thing; Sapphire is within you all, her mind is filled with a library of knowledge, you can tap into that knowledge anytime you need to. Use it to your advantage. I, no we all know you can do it, all four of us. We have every faith in you all. We will celebrate when the war is over. We will await your return." Stheno nods her head sharply and she watches as everyone starts moving into three teams, the hunters, then two groups of Vampires and Werewolves. They swiftly move out, the groups all heading in different directions but they all moved as one. No arguing, no bickering. They walked side by side as one, she watched them all leave and fade into the forest, she watched until she could see them no more.

The hunters move South-East, each nervously giving eye contact with each other as they move cautiously through the woods. When they heard echoes of twigs snapping it made them jump coming to a halt, all of them looking at each other, then they glance around their surrounding they see nothing, they no longer hear anything. It was eerily silent.

Leo is the one that took the first few steps, choosing his steps carefully, making sure no twigs were around so that no noise was made, they didn't want to found. Not yet. A few minutes had passed and it was still silent. Leo waved the rest of the hunters forward and they hesitantly followed Leo's lead.

"Something isn't right, it is too quiet, surely if there were many demons they would be loud?" One of the hunters whispers out.

"Not if they are under command like my sister seems to think they are, if someone is controlling them then they can be sneaky bastards." Leo whispers back, "Now, we need to be silent, we do not want to give our location it away. This is the only advantage that we have."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2019 ⏰

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