The Werewolf Scouts

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Aaron must have fallen asleep because when he woke up Dominic isn't at his desk. He stands up walking opposite to where this doctor's office was he quietly stand outside of the room looking through the glass window to find Dominic holding Sapphire's hand. He couldn't help but overhear what Dominic was saying to Sapphire.

"Come on Sapphire, you cannot leave me, I know we have just met but I cannot be without you. Aaron said something about me being your mate, why wouldn't you tell me?" Dominic talks away to her as if she would just wake up and answer her.

Aaron sighs softly gently tapping his knuckle against the glass making Dominic jump and look towards the door, he just waves his hand to come in before moving into a stand. "I'm glad you are here, I need to find the Humington brothers and tell them that their sister is out of surgery and that she is hopefully on the road to recovery." He stretches his arms up above his head entwining his fingers together as his back and arms crack and pop back into place.

"I can go and notify them if you like? I am sure that Sapphire would prefer to see you when she wakes up not me." Aaron smiles a little, he knew deep inside that he didn't want to move he was just doing it because it was protocol and the right thing to do.

Dominic looked at Aaron with relief and gratitude shone in his eyes. "Would you please? I would really appreciate that."

"Of course, I will back soon." Aaron turns back around and walked back into the corridor closing the door behind him.

He sniffs the air trying to locate the siblings, the smell of fresh air and blood is what their smell was, it was gross, to be honest, he didn't know how Sapphire could possibly stand it, to be honest, it is gross. He walks down a long corridor that splits into a 'T' sighing deeply he walks right sniffing shaking his head then spins around before walking in the opposite direction.

"Alpha there is an emergency, I am sure Luna Sapphire would be interested in too." A scout mind links him.

Aaron groans he had blocked his mind locked since he got the SOS from Sapphire. He carries on walking towards the scent as he replied.

"What is it, Jeremy? I am afraid Sapphire is...unavailable at the moment whatever it is we are on our own." Aaron tried to avoid the subject of Sapphire at the moment, it was hard to see her like this never mind explain to his pack that she was seriously injured.

"What do you mean we are on our own? Sapphire is always there for us and Alpha this is serious." Jeremy replies with total seriousness in his tone even worry.

"What is going on Jeremy?" Aaron commanded as he opens a door to find the brothers.

"Leo, Jackson." He greeted before continuing, "Sapphire had to have surgery but she is in the recovery room. They hope for a speedy recovery." He says though he is very distant, trying to listen to what is going on.

"I am at your location Alpha but I cannot see you, I can also sense Luna with you, is everything ok with her?" Jeremy persists with Sapphire's welfare.

Aaron looks at the brothers. "I have to go, there is an emergency; I will come back as soon as I can. Please update me on any changes." He turns on his heels starts to walk away until Leos' voice is heard.

"She mustn't mean much to you and the pack then if you are just walking away when she needs you." He spoke it in a deadly serious tone.

Aaron snarls spinning around with inhuman speed, "I am Alpha of the Newcastle pack also known as Ganymede the deadliest pack in the United Kingdom. Between Sapphire and me we have made it deadly, whenever one of us is down or injured the other stays strong and carries on until the other recovered. It is a promise that we made. A were-blood promise. You know nothing about werewolf life, you don't understand a single thing about what Sapphire and me have sacrificed you have no idea how hard it is to walk away from the Luna of my pack when she needs me but the pack need me for an emergency, I have to somehow tell my pack that their Luna is currently unconscious because her two brothers don't know how to look after themselves!"

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