The Unexplainable

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Dominic ran ahead, it was dark in the corridors now with the alarms active, luckily he was used to working in the dark; it was also lucky that he knew this facility like the back of his hand. He ran as fast as his legs could take him, he noticed a scientist ahead so he skids to a stop in front of her, "Hey, do me a favour please, there are two men at the door, Jackson and Leo are their names, tell security they are with me and then tell them to take them to Dr Lincoln ok?" He spoke so fast he wondered if the scientist understood what he was saying.

The scientist stopped startled a little, looking at the young woman in Dominic's arms, then nods, "Yes, of course, I'll get right to it."

The scientist ran in the direction of the security room and Dominic runs down a long corridor, after passing three doors on the left and four on the right, he knocked on the fifth door on the right then barges in. "Lincoln, I need your help."

"Dominic? What is it? Who is this?"

He lays her on the spare bed, "This is Sapphire, she and her brothers were helping me on the family case when her house got invaded by zombies, you have to use this cure you have been making."

"Let me take a blood test first then to see how far gone she is." Dr Lincoln says, getting a syringe out of a drawer, sliding the protective layer on the needle, realisation dawned on him, "Wait a minute, you told these people about zombies and about what we do? You know the rules, Dominic! You are skating on thin ice."

Dominic paces back and forth. "Don't start with me Lincoln, you don't understand what it is like out there, there are very few of us out there and they are bringing new people in who shit themselves, these people have experience! Just do whatever you have to do, but you have to save her, her brothers will be here soon after they get through security."

Lincoln starts to draws some of Sapphire's blood, he could see that the change was happening just by looking at it, but he puts it under the microscope. "You brought strangers to the facilities? You could compromise everything if this gets out!" He glances up from the microscope, watching Dominic pace back and forth for a short while before questioning. "Why are you pacing? You never pace over patients."

Dominic stops pacing to look at Lincoln, "I told you; she knows of the dark side, not just zombies, she lives a normal life on the border of the dark and light side. There something about her, the way she zones out, you know she is thinking but you wonder what she is thinking because she is so unpredictable, she always surprises me; she is incredible. You didn't see her out there, you didn't see how she took control of the situation." He starts to pace again.

Lincoln looks at him, watching the way he was pacing back and forth, "you like her? Why? You just met her, you don't know her"

"Stop watching me and help her, I told you there is something about her, she is so human but she moves so elegantly and the way she shoots, and in her room, she has this awesome secret room thing. Makes me feel like I belong, tells me there is more to this world than just zombies. I don't have to hide things from her, I don't need to try to avoid the subject of what I work as. I can be myself around her." He answers, brushing his hand through his hair, as he stops pacing and looks at Sapphire. "Hang on in there Sapphire, we got you." He gently brushes her hair out of her face.

Sapphire lay on the bed, she felt paralyzed, she couldn't move, she couldn't speak, which at the moment she was thankful of. The pain was excruciating, her body was screaming in pain, it started at the shoulder where she was first bit, then it spread, down her arm, then when it reached her heart, it spread around her whole body within minutes, her organs were slowly shutting down one by one, starting with the smaller organs, kidneys, intestines, then getting to the more important ones, stomach, lungs. In her mind, she was screaming in pain, but it wasn't escaping her lips.

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