Track; Don't Kill

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Dominic and Jackson yell from the window, "Sapphire!" but she is already gone and nowhere to be seen.

Jackson spins around glaring death at his brother, "What the hell? Why would you do that? She didn't do anything wrong! She was showing Dominic what a werewolf looked like, she was teaching him!"

"It only takes one cut and either of you could have turned into a werewolf monster!" Leo yells in his defence he didn't understand why they couldn't see what she was. A monster. A murderer.

"She was just sat there! She wasn't doing anything, if she goes into a blind rage and she hurts someone then it is all your fault so you dare even try to blame it on her if it happens." Dominic speaks up poison in his voice, as he shoved Leo, the slams him against the wall.

"Blind rage?" Leo looks at Dominic confused. What the hell is blind rage? How can he know something about werewolves that I don't already? He has only known they exist for a few days.

"Look at that, she teaches me for around 10 minutes and I already know more than you!" Dominic yells in Leo's face all smug, he still has Leo pinned against the wall.

Leo pushed Dominic off him, before punching him square in the nose causing his nose to burst and pour of blood. "Tell me what blind rage is!"

"Where the werewolf takes control, where the human knows nothing of what is happening, it is just darkness then they wake up when the rage passes and they are terrified and clueless of what they have done. They only end up in a blind rage when they are beyond pissed. It took Sapphire everything to fight the wolf inside her to not go into a blind rage when you tried to attack her on the stairs." Dominic explained as he pinched his nose, waiting for his nose to stop bleeding.

"So she isn't in control of the wolf then, she lied to us if she is lying about that then what else is that lying about?" Leo folded his arms and smirked an 'I told you so' smirk.

It was Jackson's turn to talk again, "She is in control of the wolf if she wasn't then there would probably be parts of you all of this house, but there isn't is there? She fled she didn't fight you even though she could have torn you limb from limb. You can think she is the monster all you want but right now you are the monster; hurting her and provoking her, trying to get a response from her but it isn't working is it?" He walked to the panel of her secret room opening it. He walks inside grabbing some weapons. He hands Dominic a demon knife and a gun. "We are going to look for Sapphire," Jackson answered the question look he received from Dominic.

"Then why do we need weapons?" Dominic replied, though he slid the gun into the back of his trousers and sliding the knife in the front.

"She isn't the only supernatural being in this city, we only use these weapons on them. Luckily we know what Sapphire looks like so we know what we are looking for." Jackson states, as he picks up a stake and wooden bullets just in case the 'to destroy all evil' knife doesn't work on vampires, he walks out the not so secret room anymore and closes it.

"Why are we going after her?" Leo grumbles out of spite, hatred was running through him. What makes her so special, we should be killing her.

"You aren't going anywhere, Dominic and I are going to go look for her whilst you stay here. I do not trust you anywhere near her right now. In fact, I do not even know what gives you the right to still be in her house. I am disappointed in you and frankly Leo I do not even recognise you right now." Jackson shares his concern before walking past him, Dominic, right on his heels. They both leave the house before slamming the door behind them.

Leo spins and punches the wall out of anger, if they want to find Sapphire and save her then I will have to find her first and kill her before they even get to her. He runs down the stairs, out the door and to his car, he pulls out and thinks of forest locations in the area. There were 3 that he knew of that means he has a chance to get it right and get there for the others.

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