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Jackson was pacing back and forth waiting for his sister to get back with Dominic. I don't understand this girl, what does she want, I am sure she wants a caring family but she pushing us away. She seems almost afraid, but what could she possibly be afraid of? It cannot be us, can it? He paced a bit looking at the entrance, where he smells sulphur. "What the...?"

He spins around the backs away from a demon stood behind up, "Bet you weren't expecting me." The demon spoke evilly.

"No, not really, what do you want?" Jackson spoke casually as if he was used to it as if he talked to this demon every day of his life.

"I want to know what Sapphire is, what creature is she?" He looked at Jackson intrigued. "And are you what she is?"

"What do you mean what she is? She is human that is all, just like me and my brother." Jackson speaks confidently, though there was a doubt in his mind that this really was true, he had never seen anyone survive the process of becoming a zombie yet his sister could. The only possibility for that is if she was something supernatural, that would make sense as to why she is pushing me and Leo away because she would think that we would kill her, but we never would. She is family after all. As long as she is not evil, which she doesn't seem to be.

Jackson's thoughts were soon disturbed by the deep voice of the demon, "She is more than human, no human has the strength or power to stop or fight the zombie process which is what Sapphire just did. Tell me what she is. Or I will take you and make you."

"If Sapphire is anything else then I have no idea what she is, I mean if you have been watching her then you would know that we haven't seen each other in years." Jackson folded his arms, looking towards the entrance hoping Sapphire and Dominic would come back soon.

As if the demon knew what he was thinking he clicked his fingers and they were suddenly somewhere else. "What the hell? You know if Sapphire is something more than she will know that demons took me and even if she isn't she will still know, she knows all of the signs of a demon's presence." Jackson yells glancing around, there were 6 demons in the room with him.

They must really know Sapphire is something special for this many demons to be interested. If the demons are interested, then Lucifer will be interested in her. What could she be? What could she be hiding from us? Think Jackson think. If she is something this important then she has to be more than one thing, or then the demons wouldn't be interested at all.

"Aamon, what do you see? Does Jackson know what she is?" The demon that seemed to be in control spoke.

Aamon walked over to Jackson, he wore all black like most demons did, the higher up ones liked to wear suits to show their superiority, then rest wore black or red to represent evil, darkness and the blood they shed. Aamon reached towards Jackson who just backed away. "Keep your filthy hands away from me a demon."

"Abaddon, a little assistance here," Aamon spoke with no patience for humans.

Abaddon was the one in the suit, the one in charge of the whole situation. He pointed at Jackson than his finger swiftly moved down to point to the floor, forcing Jackson to kneel.

Jackson tried to fight against the power, but it was way too strong for him, he felt the power around his knees, then before he knew it he was kneeling in front of Aamon.

Aamon grinned and his hand touched Jackson's head, closing his eyes. He saw Jacksons past, how when he got back from a hunt his sister was gone, the only thing that was left was a note stating that this life wasn't for her, she couldn't bear being left alone anymore. Aamon kept searching, he watched how many supernatural creatures Jackson had slaughtered, how many demons he had exorcised. Aamon scowled and pulled his hand away, it was Jackson's turn to smirk and laugh.

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