Stubborn Sapphire

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Dominic's eyes widen. "Sapphire, no!" he shouts at the top of his voice. He couldn't believe what he was witnessing. She would never hurt him, not intentionally. What was going on with her? He watched stunned as her claw made contact with her brother's forehead, down through his eye and down the side of his cheek. Blood spatters onto Sapphire's pure white wolf form, causing the white to turn red. Jacksons scream echoes through the corridor.

"What the fuck, Sapphire?" He screams in agony, holding the side of his face which stung like mad. He pulled his hand away to see his own blood covering his hand.

Dominic finally awakens from his stun and he shouts angrily towards the woman he had immense feelings for. "Sapphire, why would you do that to your brother? He is your family. He came here to help What is wrong with you?"

This isn't Jackson, that isn't my brother. It's a Facies Mutante. She turns to look at Dominic, immediately her eyes soften when her eyes meet his. She could hear his thoughts as they maintain eye contact.

What is a Facies Mutante? Dominic questions stunned but he didn't make any move sudden movements, he didn't jump away or move away from this fake Jackson, it could cause a massive fight.

A face changer. It can take anyone's face and look exactly like that person. I would guess that he is one of Glasya's spies. Sapphire replies before turning to look at Jackson who quickly moves behind Dominic holding a blade to his neck.

"You figured me out, I am impressed. You are the first to do so." The Facies Mutante spoke, his arm wraps around Dominic to hold him in his place as his blade moves closer to his neck.

Sapphire snarls protective of Dominic. Her eyes turn red with hatred, she looked at the mutante who stared at her through daring eyes, "Are you sure that you can get to me without hurting your friend in any way." He makes her question what she was about to do, she glances at Dominic sending him a quick, Trust me, message before taking the leap.

Dominic stands there terrified, he could feel the blade grazing his neck; he could feel his blood trickling down his neck. Some reason the thought of it made him feel queasy, he had been in many difficult situations. This was not one of them. He was scared to move an inch, to even breathe. He had to try to get out of his grasp, he had to get away from this blade. He looked at Sapphire through desperate eyes, they looked each other in the eyes from just a millisecond be he got her message.

Just trust me, I will get you out of this. I promise. He felt her emotion, he felt the guilt that she felt, the anger that she felt so he could only assume she could feel his fear and discomfort.

Dominic stood as still as possible as he watched Sapphire launch herself towards him and this fake Jackson, he couldn't help but feel terror. As the bloody wolf moves closer towards him. He closes his eyes out of terror he couldn't watch the wolf full of hatred fly towards him.

Then he was falling to the side, away from the blade and the wolf. He opens his eyes just to see the floor moving closer, he lands on his arm, he swears to himself at the pain.

He hears vicious growls and snarls, between banging against the wood of the stairs, he could hear them both hit each and every step. He could hear groaning and whimpering coming from both of them. He ran down the stairs clinging to his arm. Halfway down the stairs, he could see everything that is going on. The demon on top of Sapphire trying to stab her, she moves side to side every single time, before lifting up tearing the flesh off his shoulder, he screams in agony, calling her names.

"You filthy mutt!" He screams, his blade slamming down into Sapphire's abdomen, she yelps loudly, then whimpers in pain.

Dominic comes alive, running down the rest of the stairs, he pulls the demon blade out of his jacket before jumping off the fifth bottom step and lands on the demon driving the blade into his chest. The demon screams before turning to black gunk. Gravity pulling the gunk to the ground with a massive splash, covering the injured Sapphire.

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