I Don't Believe This

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Jackson started to explain, "It's a-" till he was interrupted by Sapphire opening the door, alarmed.

"I just got a phone call; a work call. There has been another attack – this time it sounds like a vampire. I don't know for sure though. Something is going on in the supernatural world. We need to find out and quick. First zombies, then demons, now vampires. If you asked for my opinion they are working together as one, they want something bad. One of you two is going to have to come with me whilst the other looks after Dominic and does research."

Leo was getting furious. "Can't you see we are in the middle of something?" he exploded out. "That can wait, this can't."

Sapphire rolled her eyes by his outburst. "A Demire-wolf is as it sounds, a demon, vampire and werewolf. Don't start with the 'it's impossible blah, blah, blah' because it isn't impossible, here I am, I repressed the demon, and controlled the werewolf and vampire. Got it? Jackson, you coming with me?"

Leo just stared at her whilst Jackson stood up, walking to her. "Come on then. What makes you think that it is a vampire this time?"

Sapphire walked through the living room, giving Dominic a kiss on his head as she passed, then she grabbed her car keys and went to the car. "The body was fully drained of blood and only two little bite marks, not blood and guts everywhere, in fact, it sounds like there is hardly any blood at all at the scene."

Sapphire got in the car and Jackson opened his door when Leo ran out. "Jackson, you aren't going anywhere with that monster! I won't let you, she might hurt you or kill you or even turn you into one of her!"

Inside the car Sapphire chuckled and opened the car door again, putting one foot out and standing up, the other leg still in the car. "Leo, I can't turn him fully into me, now that is literally impossible, he would have to have a demon inside him then I'd have to bite him as both vampire and werewolf separately and even then it probably wouldn't turn him. And Jackson is wearing that demon necklace that stops him being possessed, plus unlike you, I don't try to kill me, family, when I'm in the right state of mind."

Jackson looked at Sapphire and shrugged, convinced by it. "Leo, she is right and I'm going with her. She is also right about something going on in the town, see if you can find something about what could be happening in our town."

Leo started to protest. "Jackson you really cannot be serious about going with that thing?" he asked, staring at her than him, not understanding how he could trust her with his life.

Jackson burst out, "That 'thing' you are referring to is our sister! You will speak about her with respect! If it was not for Sapphire, I would probably be dead and Abaddon the King of Hell would still be alive, so would Mammon and Carson and three other demons! So don't be so ungrateful. Come on, Sapphire." Sapphire and Jackson climbed into the car and Sapphire started to reverse out and head to the scene.

Leo kicked the wall angrily. "I don't believe it, she must have done something to him, why else would he go with that vicious monster willingly?" He went back inside and glanced over at Dominic. Seeing that he was still resting, he carried on and headed to the kitchen after grabbing his laptop, to do some research on how demons could make humans do what they want.

He looked and looked and found nothing, so he searched vampires and found out that they could hypnotise humans to make them do what they want when they want. "Oh god," Leo mumbled to himself. "She could be feeding on him." He got up, grabbed his gun, knife and stake, went through the living room, out the door and went looking for a car he could steal.

* * *

As Sapphire and Jackson were in the car heading to the scene, Sapphire started a conversation. "Jackson, thank you. you know, for sticking up for me. I know it was probably hard for you to consider what I am, and since you haven't really seen me in years. I bet that was the first argument you two had in years."

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