Flaws In the Plan

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At vampire HQ which is located in an abandoned building at the highest point of the forest, it is so steep that hardly anyone attempts to climb it and if the mundane's do attempt to then vampires deal with them quickly and efficiently.

As soon as she arrives at HQ her clan are in front of you, "With all due respect, I think this is a bad idea. Vampires and werewolves have hated each other for centuries, why do you expect us to work with our enemy?" Nancy spoke up, looking at Sapphire with a little fear in her eyes.

"I expect you to work with them because for the first time we have a common enemy an Ancient Vampire is on both of our turfs. Honestly, do you think we can handle him alone?" Sapphire quizzed looking at each of the vampires in front of her.

"We fought and killed the other ancient vampire." One of the cocky youngsters spoke up.

"And we lost half of our people in doing so. This time the ancient one has allies, demons. Now, do you think we can handle them on our own?" She demanded, when she was greeted by silence she continued talking, "We will be working with werewolves and hunters, none of you will hurt any of them or there will be severe consequences. I have asked Aaron to ensure the werewolves stay in line as well, the werewolves and hunters are not the enemies in this mission, they are our allies. So we will respect them and help them if they need it. Now come on, we are meeting them and the hunters at the facility. I don't want any hissing coming from any of you." Sapphire commanded before turning away from her clan running east towards the facilities.

It only took a couple of minutes to arrive at the entrance of the hidden facility, Sapphire slowed to a walk to not cause the hunters to go on high alert.

"Thank you all for coming." Sapphire greeted walking to stand in front of everyone but also completing the circle, werewolves to her left, the hunters in front of her and the vampires to her right.

The hunters looked left then right to see werewolves and vampires, their eyes grew wide in shock at how this is happening. "How did you manage this Sapphire?" Donald spoke up though he gulped hard when everyone's eyes shifted to look at him.

"The werewolves and vampires have come to same agreement that this mission is more important, we cannot allow Davorin and demons destroy what is ours, what we have kept safe for so many years. I do not wish to push my luck with this newly formed alliance so I will keep the both of you separate. In fact, I am going to keep you all separate but our aim is to kill Davorin and the demons he brings with him." She starts, Aaron and William both nod in agreement to keep everyone separate.

"So I want the werewolves to deal with Davor-" she starts to plan but is interrupted by William shouting, "The werewolves? Davorin is a vampire that means he is our problem not their problem!"

"Davorin is on my land therefore my people will deal with him." Aaron state folding his arms as if to state that he would not budge.

"You would not stand a chance against Davorin, all of your people will die!" William threatens which causes a snarl to irrupt from Aaron.

"Enough!" Sapphire shouts in three voices, her own, Savannah's and Sandalio's, it was so powerful that the ground trembled beneath them. The hunters took a step back nervously, whilst the werewolves and vampires snapped their heads to look at her.

"We do not have time for bickering, if you both want to take on Davorin then fine you both can, you both work together. Vampires you chase Davorin to the trap where the werewolves will be, and you both will take him out then you will go and help the hunters take out the demons. Werewolves when it comes to demons you will just have to follow the vampires lead." Sapphire quickly adapting and emending her plan.

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