Paris's Heroine

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After sending everyone back to the Academy, Liana opened another rift, leading to Paris, France, her hometown. Liana reached Paris safely and walked to her home. 

Front Door of Liana's Villa

"It's been months," Liana said while staring at the huge villa, feeling depressed.

 Two teenagers from afar suddenly stopped at looked at Liana. 

"Isn't that Liana?" the male teenager asked.

 "Yeah. Liana!" the teenage girl shouted while running to Liana and hugging her. 

Liana was shocked but when she looked at the girl properly, she realized she knew the girl. "Zena? Edward? What are you guys doing here?" Liana ask as Zena let go of her. 

"We were just walking back from school and we saw you and Zena got so excited," Edward explained while holding Zena back from jumping onto Liana.

 "I see, why don't you guys come in for some tea?" Liana asked while opening the gate. 

"Really?" Zena confirmed before going in with Edward. 

Liana's Villa

"Your villa is huge, Liana," Zena said while twirling around in the living room, admiring the many artifacts on the shelves. 

"Glad you liked it. Here's some sunflower tea," Liana said while setting down some glass and pouring out the tea for Zena and Edward. 

"Thanks so much, Liana," Edward said while taking a sip of the tea. 

"Are you guys still in Paris Institute?" Liana asked while serving some cookies.

 "Yeah, we are still there but it is sad you are not there anymore," Zena said while taking a bite out of the cookie. 

"Where are you now, Liana?" Edward asked. 

"Well, I was kinda on a vacation at the Himalayas for a few months," Liana told them she was on a vacation instead of being at the academy.

 "Woah, that's a very long vacation. No wonder you have so many bruises," Zena said while looking at Liana's arm. 

"Hehe, yeah. I did a lot of outdoor activities in the cold mountains," Liana said while smiling insincerely.

"Well, here's a gift. I and Zena always carry this with us and today we finally see you again so here you go," Edward said while handing me a charm. 

The charm was brown and the words 'Stay Strong' was engraved on it.

 "Thanks, I'll cherish it forever," Liana said while hanging it on the strap on her hip. 

"Let's go get some croissants and some cappuccino at Meghan's Bistro," Zena suggested while pulling Liana and Edward.

 "Haha, sure," Liana said as she follows Zena and Edward.

Meghan's Bistro

"This croissant is absolutely delicious," Zena said as she enjoys the powdered sugar croissant. 

"Calm down, Zena. I know you've been excited to bring Liana to this bistro but don't choke yourself," Edward advised Zena. 

Liana smiled while watching Edward and Zena together. 

"Are you ok, Liana? You look a bit down," Edward asked. 

"Yeah, do you not enjoy the food?" Zena asked, worried about Liana. 

"Excuse me what? Yeah, I'm fine," Liana said nervously when suddenly an explosion occur opposite the bistro.

 "What was that?" Zena asked out of shock.

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