Author's Note

246 29 15


 Irene here XD So I'm back with another story! This is different from my usual fantasy novel that I'm also currently writing XD So I'd like to take this message as an opportunity to show you the other book covers that my cover maker EmmettKing made!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH! 

 Irene here XD So I'm back with another story! This is different from my usual fantasy novel that I'm also currently writing XD So I'd like to take this message as an opportunity to show you the other book covers that my cover maker EmmettKing mad...

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 I really REALLY like this cover but I don't think it fits my story that well though... I think a dark cover would suit my book well XD What do you think? Is this better than the original cover I chose?

 This is kind of dark too but I like the original cover better! What do you think? Is this a more appropriate cover? Or is it too blurred?

I like this one too but it's not as dark as I want my cover to be so yeah what do you think? Should I also use this instead of the original?

 SO I also want to talk about my schedule of updates! I'd probably update once or twice a week! I could also do thrice a week if the week is not busy for me XD This book is dedicated to my friend which I have tagged in the dedication XD He's a best friend of mine haha #Bestie Goals :) Please follow him and read his story! It would really mean a lot to him! Anyway, before I ramble again XD BYEEEEE :) 

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