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Lucas didn't really like stability. He preferred change and that's what he decided to work for right now. Lucas didn't want to feel weak anymore. He wanted to change the way his life turned out and by change, he meant for the better.

In order to do that, he first went to the art museum he was fired from. He wanted to personally apologize to Karlos, the owner. Lucas stared at the door for a while before finally opening the it and stepping inside.

"Welcome to – ," the man started to say but then, he frowned upon seeing Lucas. "Oh, it's you."

Lucas bowed his head. "I'm really very sorry for disappointing you, Karlos. It's just that my mother got sick and I had to stay in the hospital so I could take care of her. I really want to continue my job here. I need it."

Karlos scowled. "Lucas, you could've called me, for God's sake. I was worried that something happened to you. Besides, I already fired you."

Lucas widened his eyes. "Please, Karlos, just this once, please give me a chance. I'm just asking for another chance, please. If I fail again, you have all the liberty to fire me. Just please! I really need this job."

Karlos narrowed his eyes. "Are you sure you could handle this?"

Lucas nodded eagerly. He wanted that job, needed it even. He had to pay their debts to his aunt who gladly lent them money to pay for the hospital bills. Besides, he knew that he had a passion for art and he didn't want to waste the opportunity to experience his passion.

Karlos hesitated for a second. "Well, if you want a chance, then you're officially hired as of this day. Please report back to us tomorrow. Don't disappoint me again, Lucas. I have faith in you."

Lucas couldn't express his gratitude to Karlos. He thanked him a lot of times before going out of the museum, trying to control his feelings of joy and excitement for the next day to come.

As Lucas walked on the path to school, he couldn't help but think of the possibilities that exist on all his decisions. He wanted to improve his life in school and the only way to do that was to lower his pride and apologize at Kyle and all his peers. He had done really bad things to them and he knew that the only way to get on their good side was to sincerely admit all his mistakes and promise to change. His only hope was that they would still forgive him.

Lucas used to be really known and respected. It all changed after his rash actions towards Kyle. He couldn't control his anger and resentment towards his father's death that he unleashed his fury and humiliated his own best friend. He longed for getting his best friend back. He missed Kyle and all their friendly banters and corny jokes. He also missed Namya and her intellectual conversations and empathic nature.

Lucas needed to change and that's what he planned to do, for now.  

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