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"Lucas, I have to tell you something."

Lucas stared at his mother blankly. It was just a day ago that he apologized to Kyle and he was feeling a bit ecstatic on the upcoming Monday in order to await Kyle's answer. Lucas was sure he would say yes. Kyle had the reputation of being one of the kindest students in school and rejecting his forgiveness would have a bad effect on his rep.

"What is it, Mom?"

His mother gulped and looked at him nervously, slightly fidgeting. "It's about your real mother, Lucas."

Lucas's fork clattered on the table. His fists were clenched and his eyes were glaring at the window beside him. Lucas didn't want to know anything about his real mother. He never had any memory of her and he didn't want to. Besides, he already had his stepmother who cared for him and treated him like a real son so why should he even attempt to go to his real mother when she was never there for him?

"She came back, Lucas. She wanted to take you with her. Her name is Mary, Mary Jacobs. She's a famous fashion designer in –"

"I don't care," said Lucas coldly. "She's not a mother to me."

"Lucas, she's still your birth moth –"

Lucas stood up and slapped his hand at the table. "I said... SHE'S NOT MY MOTHER! Alright?!"

Lucas's mother flinched and looked at Lucas in fright. "But my dear – "

Lucas glared at her once again before stomping out into his room. He slowly opened the door and went inside. He could see the cramped items in his room scattered on the floor. Some of his belongings were covered with dust. He closed the door loudly and jumped into his bed. He wanted to scream but he knew he'll just cause a commotion outside.

Lucas knew he had a hidden resentment towards his real mother. She left his father when he was just a baby for some unknown reason that he didn't know. His father never wanted to talk about her so he didn't even know any single thing about his real mother, not even her name.

He was forced to imagine on what her appearance looked like and how similar she was to his face. But then, when he reached the higher grade levels from 4th grade onwards, his view on her changed and he started to feel really angry that she left his father.

Lucas wanted to meet her but his fear of leaving his Mom was getting to him, holding him back. Maybe this was a crossroad and whatever he chose, he would still stay with his Mom because he loved her. More than he could love his real mother. His Mom was always there for him, especially in crossroads like this. And his real mom? She was the cause of this new crossroad.

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