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 Lucas felt a bit lighter when he went to school today. He had prayed last night and he felt better than he had for days. Still, there was one thing that ruined his mood for today.

"Lucas," said a voice filled with venom that Lucas cringed as he heard the familiar voice.

Lucas turned around and his face broke out into a frown. "What is it again this time, Kyle? What do you want from me?!"

Kyle glowered at him. "I was happy when you looked hurt, happy that you looked as if the weight on the world was on your shoulders. And now, you look as though your father rose from the dead." He crossed his arms. "Tell me, Lucas, do you really think you deserve to be happy?"

Lucas was dumfounded. He didn't know what Kyle was implying. He already apologized and he started socializing, what more did Kyle need from him? Why was it that Kyle always bullied him? Yes, he did humiliate him after losing his temper but that was in the past. After that, he became an outcast. Did he do something that warranted Kyle to continue to torment him until he died?

"You think you're this perfect guy that lives in the world, like you're so innocent that you can't even remember if you did something wrong in the first place. Well, I've had enough. I don't need any of your shallow apologies anymore!" Kyle flashed him the middle finger. "You only apologized because you became an outcast! You only apologized to be accepted and to be popular! You're a fake, a hypocrite, a liar and I hate you!"

Lucas breathed heavily before scowling at Kyle. "Well, what did I even do to you? Why do you always torment me?! Why is it that you can't just leave me alone and move on?"

Kyle's jaw dropped to the floor. "Oh, you shitty asshole! Acting innocent, aren't you? I perfectly know well how bad my actions were and I also know that what I'm doing isn't the right thing to do but guess what? We're all assholes. But you! You're more of an asshole than I am."

Kyle punched Lucas to the floor and a drop of blood fell from Lucas's lips. Lucas touched his lips and glared at Kyle as he tried to control himself for not punching back. His head felt a little bit dizzy which seemed to satisfy Kyle.

"You were always a hypocrite, Lucas! I can't believe Namya fell for your tricks. I thought I could change you! I thought that maybe if we were best friends, you'd turn into a better person! Guess what? I'm wrong!"

Kyle ran a hand through his hair. "Your father's death was your last straw. You had to humiliate me in front of other people. Your father thought you a lot of good things but you pretended that you follow them when you actually don't! You made yourself think that you're an angel in this world! Well, news flash, you're just a sick bloody jerk with no care about other people! You're a narcissist in denial and I'm done with everything!"

"I don't understand," replied Lucas, frowning in confusion.

Kyle shook his head. "You're a bully, Lucas. I hope you rot in hell!"

And when Kyle left him on the corridor, he closed his eyes. His memories were closed and he had to open them one by one.

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