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The first step towards change was acceptance of everything that you did wrong. Lucas found it very hard at first. Was he really a bully just like that? Why didn't he notice? Why was it as though there's actually nothing wrong?

It became very harder for him to admit that he used to be a bully. Calling Namya and the boy names, humiliating Kyle a lot of times than he could he do such things? But he did and he regretted every single thing now.

Lucas trembled as he caught sight of his own reflection in a nearby glass window. There's one emotion present in his face that he could clearly see on people who are caught as a culprit by the police. In the eyes of God, he was a liar, a hypocrite and a criminal.

He was truly sorry for Kyle but his pride prevented him from apologizing. And when he did apologize, there was an underlying reason behind it...that Kyle knew. Despite everything he did, Kyle stayed with him throughout the years until he finally snapped and left Lucas to his own devices.

Lucas felt as if he deserved being lonely and lost. Everything he did was unforgivable to his own eyes. He valued originality but he became a hypocrite. He valued friendship but he wasn't a good friend at all. He valued life but he told someone that they're better off dead.

Lucas knew that he had to change for the better or he would be left unhappy, unsuccessful and alone in this world. He was ashamed of what he had done, of him not realizing that he was living for himself. He was selfish – too selfish – that even his friends gave up on him. He knew that he had to do something to change and he was willing to do anything.

"If I could change myself, I would be happy," he whispered, looking at his reflection once more.

Tears welled up in Lucas eyes and he made no move to wipe them off. He deserved to be seen as a trainwreck. He deserved to be ridiculed...but not anymore. He would change not just for his friends but also for himself. He wouldn't survive this world if he continued to be like this.

Lucas, it's never too late for a person to change. Always remember that.

"Oh, dad, if you could only see me right now..." Lucas choked up a sob. "I don't deserve to be called your son. I tried to forget you. I always thought you were wrong. I tried to be someone I'm not and I became a bully. You're probably ashamed of me being your son right now, but I promise that I would change. I don't want to let you or Mom or anyone down. I'm tired of living in a fake me anymore. I'm going to be who I am and no one's going to stop me."

This was it – the beginning of a new day in Lucas's life towards happiness. And he didn't fear the unknown anymore.

"Not anymore," Lucas whispered as he stood up and walked back home. He could see the sun shining brightly and he sent the sky a small smile. A new beginning, a day, was waiting for him.

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