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Lucas didn't know what to do as of the moment. He was seething from being targeted once again by Kyle. Lucas had already experienced pain in the worst possible ways. His father died. Now his mother was sick and her condition is getting worse. Lucas didn't even know how he would be able to pay all the debts from his aunt who was paying for his mother's hospital bills. Now, Kyle was seeking revenge in his own ways.

Lucas didn't hate Kyle. He could never hate Kyle even if he was already hurting him. Lucas loved Kyle. Kyle was like a brother he never had and the best friend that he trusted the most. It was his fault that Kyle left him. He was a monster. Lucas knew he was a monster at heart.

Lucas tried to regain his balance after tripping on the cemented pavement but he failed and smashed his head on the floor. Lucas felt his head throbbing in pain and he could see his surroundings becoming more blurry. His sides were aching and Lucas couldn't move at all. Whenever he tried, he would yell from the pain he was feeling.

Lucas saw a silhouette of a girl hovering over him, calling someone at the phone. "Please hurry up," said the familiar voice.

"Namya?" Lucas cried out.

"What happened to you, Lucas?" asked Namya, looking concerned.

Lucas shook his head. He didn't want to tell Namya everything that was happening in his life. He didn't want her to worry on someone like him. Lucas didn't deserve Namya's concern. He hurt Namya when he decided to lash out on Kyle. He knew that Namya liked Kyle but he still decided to humiliate him.

Lucas tried to stand up but failed to do so. His hands grasped his sides as he doubled over in pain. "Stop moving!" cried out Namya. Lucas glared at her and replied, "Why don't you just leave? You're only making this worse."

As soon as those words came out of Lucas, he suddenly regretted snapping at Namya. He noticed her face was trying to control the tears that threatened to come down and he knew at that moment that he had hurt her, again.

"Fine," replied Namya coldly. "This is the last time I'm going to try to help you."

Before Lucas could even say anything, Namya had already rushed and crossed the street, quickly dodging a lot of people before turning left and disappearing out of sight. Lucas felt angry at himself. Namya only wanted to help him but he just poured out his anger at her. Namya didn't deserve someone like him. She didn't deserve a friend who would treat her like dirt.

"I'm a nobody! A nobody!"

And as the cars passed on the street, Lucas cried.

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