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  A few weeks after their hang-out and being caught by the police, Lucas experienced one moment that he was still angry about. Just a few days ago, Lucas could clearly see the disappointment in his mother's eyes when he gave her his test results. His test scores weren't exactly low but he almost failed. He didn't want to tell his mother why he had gotten these scores. As time passed by, Lucas became more hesitant to resist Kyle and his friends. It was as if he was getting used to them and their antics that he was willing to do anything just to hang-out with them.

"Lucas, are you even studying?" asked his mother, turning red as she spoke.

"Of course, Mom, I'm studying hard. I didn't even know how I got these low scores," Lucas grumbled, rolling his eyes at her.

Lucas's mother scowled. "Don't roll your eyes at me, young man! May I remind you that it was you and your friends who vandalized the library and I had to bail you out of jail?"

"Oh, just stop it, will you?" yelled Lucas. "I'm tired of having to pay your debts because your salary isn't enough and I'm sick of being screamed at."

Lucas's mother turned red. "What happened to the Lucas I knew, huh? What happened to the Lucas who never answers back to me and shows respect for his elders?" She threw her arms over her head in frustration. "Who are you and what did you do to my son?"

"Just stop it, will you?!" screamed Lucas, venom laced in his voice. He rolled his eyes again before scowling at his mother and leaving the house.

Lucas felt a little bit guilty after taking out all the anger he had on his Mom. He knew that his mother didn't deserve it and that what he did was uncalled for. Still, he can't help but feel superior and satisfied during that moment. Suddenly, he recalled his father's words.

"Lucas, do you know why some people bully those who they think are weaker than them?" asked Lucas's father, while gently rubbing Lucas's back.

Eight-year old Lucas looked at his father curiously. "Nope," he replied, popping the 'p', "why?"

His father sighed heavily. "Some people have been deemed weak before and they want to prove that they aren't. Bullying gives them this feeling of superiority and strength that they thought they have just because they were able to bully someone. It's like they feel the need to prove their own selves to the world."

"Oh," replied Lucas. "So they're insecure?"

His father shrugged. "Not always. Some people bully others just for fun because they hate that person and want to showcase their hate for them. Sometimes, the victim had done something wrong to the bully in the past that he or she might not have remembered so the bully might take revenge." He stroked his chin. "People have different reasons on why they bully other people. The most important thing is that you never succumb to the pressure, even if you wanted to."

That feeling of superiority Lucas was feeling, he knew that it wasn't good. He might get into trouble if he wanted to feel it again...which he did want.

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