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Lucas never had any problems with his job. He was quite a bit satisfied with it at first. It became a routine for him to go to the museum in order to immerse himself in the work of art. After he got home and finished all his homework, he would pull out a canvas and paint different nature scenes.

Lucas adored nature. He loved going into parks and playing in the grass fields. He liked hiking and exploring and he would always ask his father before to take him into different places. Lucas even asked his father to buy him books about the environment and different coloring books featuring nature.

Lucas was a nature-lover and no one could ever deny he wasn't.

But then, Lucas was not made for happy endings just like he thought he was. His mother became sick and in just five days, his job and his self-worth disappeared. It was as if the heavens were playing on him, giving him ecstasy for a few days before making him suffer again.

Even though Elena wasn't his real mother, Lucas treated her like one. Even if he wasn't the best stepson in the world, he knew that he loved his stepmother. In fact, Lucas treated her as if she was his real mother.

God is playing tricks on me again, Lucas thought. I lost my father and now He's threatening me to lose my mother as well.

Lucas felt angry. He was pissed at himself. Why was he not worthy of even just a single happiness in this world? Why did he feel so helpless, so hateful? Lucas hated it all. He hated his life, he hated his school, and he hated himself.

When Lucas found out that his mother was in the hospital and was diagnosed with pneumonia and high fever, his legs felt weaker than when Kyle kicked him in the groin. He didn't even bother calling his boss and ran over to the hospital as if his life depended on it.

Lucas didn't go to work for one week, not even to school. He took care of his mother in the hospital and tried to think of a way to pay her hospital bills. As a result, he was fired, making him sink into his hole of self-hate and desperation. His mother persuaded him to attend school, making him feel and look gloomier than ever. Kyle even hesitated to approach him and taunt him because he was afraid that Lucas might lash out on him again.

Lucas was willing to do anything and everything to bring back time but he knew that it was impossible. Mistakes were made and the past will always stay in the past. Lucas had read before that life was like chess, that in every mistake we make, there's always a solution. And Lucas couldn't help but agree. He already felt as if he was checkmated but he knew that he must not give up and lose hope on himself. He promised his father. He had to do something. He had to. He was not checkmated, at least not yet. And he hoped that it would still be far before he reached that point. 

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