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"What's up, Lucas?" asked Tristan.

Lucas gulped. "I just wanted to be open to you guys about something."

Kyle smirked. "And what is it about, Lucas?"

"It's about me hanging out with you guys."

Kyle's smirk widened and Lucas had to control himself from glaring at him, especially since Tristan and the others were already frowning at him. They probably thought that I was going to stop being friends with them, he thought.

"Don't worry. I'm not going to stop being friends with you, guys." Lucas heard Tristan's sigh of relief before continuing. "I just need more time for solitude since I've been through a lot these days so I might not be able to hang-out that much. Would that be fine with all of you?"

Tristan laughed and nodded. "Of course, bro. It wouldn't be a bad thing." He put a hand over his heart. "I thought you're going to just leave us."

Lucas smiled awkwardly and scratched his head. "It's not that I don't like being friends with all of you or anything but I'm really not a party-goer like you guys are. I'm tired of faking that I like going to parties and shit like that. Yeah, it's fun but I don't like going to it everyday."

Kyle raised an eyebrow. "And you just told us now? How long have you been hiding this?"

Lucas bowed his head. "I'm sorry for not telling it sooner. It's just that  was afraid you'll all blow up on me or something. I was worried you'll all get angry and stop hanging out with me."

Tristan shook his head. "Don't worry, bro. We might be cheeky but we ain't jerks. Oh well, maybe we are a bit of a jerk but that goes without saying. Still, we'll definitely not kick you off in a curb just because you enjoy parties less than we do."

Lucas breathed a sigh of relief. "That's great, I guess. Well, I best be going home right now. See you tomorrow! I'll hang-out with you in lunch."

Tristan gave Lucas a thumbs-up. "Yeah, we'll see you! We have eyes you know."

Lucas chuckled. Only you, Tristan, only you. He waved at Tristan and the others, ignoring the sharp look from Kyle's eyes that's telling him to watch out or he might just end Lucas's fairytale.

Walking outside school had never felt more refreshing than today for Lucas. He felt really proud for being able to tell the truth just for once. He didn't want to be too much of a hider anymore. Slowly, step by step, he'll be able to be more open to people. He just needed time. Enough time.

Lucas gazed at the sky above him and he smiled with crinkled eyes. This was a sign, a huge sign, that a new beginning was stored for him in the future. Maybe his father was right after all. Maybe all he needed was to slowly know himself and be himself. Maybe that was really the secret to real happiness. These thoughts couldn't help but excite Lucas as he headed home.

I wonder what's in store for me in that horizon.

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