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This was one of the days where Lucas did not dread waking up at all. He even actually felt refurbished and new as he went out of his bedroom. This was a new start for him. His old life might never be back but a new and better one was waiting for him.

"Morning, Mom!" he greeted.

Elena gaped at him and raised an eyebrow. "And since when have you been this happy?"

"Since I met you, mother, I saw the moon and the stars gliding across the sky."

Lucas winked, causing his mother to chuckle. "I never pegged you for a poet. Well, I must say I'm glad the old Lucas is back. I missed the old you, you know."

Lucas smiled widely at his mother. He was an idealistic child, always finding more and more ideas that he didn't focus on making himself happy. After his father's death, everything became worse. And now, he had a chance to make things right so he grabbed it as soon as he could.

"I'm heading to school now, Mom."

Lucas waved at his mother before going out of the house. The cold winter breeze rushed through him and even though he was wearing a jacket, he still shivered. Despite this, the smile he wore a while ago never left his face.

Lucas's thoughts were long forgotten when a figure blocked his path. "What the – "

"Language, Lucas."


Namya glared at Lucas. "Be quiet. I have to tell you something."

Before Lucas could even protest, Namya tugged his shirt hard and hid the two of them underneath the bushes. Namya looked at Lucas for a few seconds. Lucas couldn't contemplate what she was thinking at the moment. Did she forgive him after his apology with Kyle? Would he finally get Namya's friendship back?

Lucas didn't want to get his hopes up so he said, "I don't know why you suddenly appeared like this but what is it? What do you want to tell me? I don't have all day, Namya."

Namya gulped before replying, "I saw what you did, apologizing to Kyle and all, and I want to say that I forgive you. I have reflected for a while and I realized that maybe you did change. You deserve a second chance, Lucas. Just please don't let me down this time."

Lucas was speechless. This was what he expected, didn't he? So why did he feel guilty? He stared at Namya for a second and contemplated on what he would say.

"I-I-I won't, Namya. I promise."

Namya gave Lucas a small smile. "Thank you!"

Lucas looked at Namya as she walked away. He did it! He was completely normal, back to his old life or maybe even a better one. He looked at the sky and said, "Thank you!"

As Lucas continued his way to school, he couldn't help but feel a rush of gratitude to God for giving him a chance. Maybe God never left him after all. And after all this time, He was with Lucas in every step of the way.

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