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Footsteps echoed in the road as Lucas turned to a familiar alley. He opened the door to the coffee shop and stepped inside. Closing the door, he proceeded to go to the cashier. He pointed on one of the items in the menu and paid for a cup of coffee and a club sandwich.

Sitting on the nearest chair at the door, he sipped on the cup and sighed. He was waiting for someone, someone that he had wanted to talk to for days. Lucas didn't know if he was actually doing the right thing but he knew that his decision process before was very faulty so he decided to go with whatever his heart was telling him.

This was the first time Lucas did something based on his emotions. He wasn't an emotional person and he definitely didn't like feeling loads of emotions at once. However, his logic had already failed him and he didn't want to trust it completely anymore. He knew he had to find a balance between using his head and using his heart.

He was stone-cold before and that was what led him to his downfall. He acted rashly based on his emotions then suddenly began to decide based on his head. Using only one of them would not bring him success and joy. He had to be able to use both. And that's what made him decide to meet the person he hated the most in the world –

"Mary," said Lucas, gesturing at her to sit down in front of him.

Mary complied, settling down and saying, "I'm sorry if I was late. It was a hard tie-down in the alley, so much traffic everywhere. I can't believe I was only a few minutes late. I had to go down the taxi and just walk towards here. It was a pretty hard walk since – Oh wait, I'm rambling now." She chuckled nervously. "So, what was it that you wanted to tell me?"

"It was about my actions when we first met. I got so caught up in my anger, emotion feels so new and foreign to me, that I just lashed out and acted so rashly. Seeing your perspective, I knew that what you did was wrong but you felt so...lonely." Lucas sighed. "I was lonely before too so I faked my identity and became a hypocrite. It was just too much to bear."

"I think we were both wrong on these situations We both acted so rashly based on our feelings and I think that you deserve to be forgiven," he added, scratching his neck.

Mary gaped at him, speechless. She was shaking her head and a smile crept out of her mouth. She stood up, grabbed Lucas and hugged him tightly.

"This is just too much." Mary's eyes brimmed with tears. "I'm so happy...I can't even – "

And she cried right on the spot.

Lucas couldn't help but smile and feel relieved. He was happy that he had finally found it in his heart to forgive his mother. He only hoped that he could receive that forgiveness from Kyle too...someday.

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