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Everyone was gawking as Lucas approached Kyle on his table. The echo of Lucas's footsteps could be heard at the whole cafeteria. Everyone had stopped talking after noticing Lucas's actions. Lucas tried hard to not smirk while approaching Kyle. He already planned this out, even practiced a few times in the mirror.

Kyle was glaring at Lucas as he neared Kyle's table. "What brings you here Lucas?"

Lucas frowned. "This is probably too late and I know that you hate me but I'm really, really sorry for everything. I humiliated you and I know I already hold the record for the biggest jerk in history. I just want to apologize for everything."

Kyle gaped for a minute at Lucas. He looked around and tried to regain his composure. Lucas internally smiled. He knew that Kyle hadn't expected this. Lucas's bizarre twisted mind had already anticipated this. He already knew what to say.

"I know this sounds really crazy but I realized that what I did was wrong. I was just hoping that you could forgive me. You don't have to be friends with me again if you don't want. I just want your forgiveness more than anything."

An awkward silence enveloped the whole cafeteria. Everyone was looking at Lucas as if he had grown two heads. It was safe to say that they were shocked by his actions.

"Why the hell are you apologizing now? Why not before?" asked Kyle curiously.

Lucas replied, "I had just realized how wrong I was. Besides, back then, I was in denial. I thought that you deserve it. I'm really sorry for being so insensitive."

"I'm not really sure on what to say."

Lucas sighed. He knew he wasn't going to get the forgiveness just yet. He had to do something to prove his sincerity. Kyle wasn't going to be fooled by childish antics. Lucas knew that Kyle wouldn't forgive him if he was not sincere. Lucas felt afraid for a second. What if Kyle was just acting this way to fool him? What would he do?

"You don't have to forgive me just yet. I'll give you space and time to think about it. Just let me prove it to you. You don't have to rush or anything."

Lucas had already practiced those lines too many times in his bathroom. He already knew the right facial expressions and the right pause and tone for each word. He made it so that it would neither sound desperate nor sound insincere.

"I guess I'll think about it."

Lucas looked at Kyle and smiled. Lucas felt that a small weight present on his shoulders was lifted. He knew that his plan of getting his old life back was already into action. He could see the wonder and surprise in the faces peering at him. Lucas nodded at Kyle once again before slowly walking away. He retraced the footsteps back to the cafeteria's exit and stepped outside the cafeteria.

The silence surrounding him was very relaxing. He knew that he succeeded and he couldn't help but smile widely as he trudged his path towards the school grounds. He could've sworn he saw Namya looking at him in wonder. Lucas had a chance. He knew he had one.

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