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Lucas wasn't in the mood to go to school today even though he knew he had to. He was still angry at himself for agreeing on meeting with his real mother. He knew he was not ready but he still agreed. "How could I even do that?" he whispered to himself. He regretted looking at his Mom's face and giving in to her wishes.

Lucas looked at himself in the mirror and winced. He wouldn't be able to do his role in his plans looking like a person who had a tragedy strike in his family. He rummaged through his drawers and applied powder in his face. He spiked his hair and chose his casual clothing for the day. A tribal shirt and some jeans? Problem solved.

He looked through himself in the mirror and tried to smile. He cringed at how awkward his face looked. He decided to widen his smile and crinkle his eyes. "That looks better," he said.

Lucas went out of his bedroom and sighed. He had to do this. His plans will never be able to succeed if he backed out. He fixed his clothes before going out of the house. He didn't bother saying goodbye to his mother. He was still really shaken by his decision.

As he was walking at the pavement, he couldn't help but think about the consecutive events that happened to him. His father used to tell him that everything happens for a reason and he should live his life in making himself and others happy.

When Lucas entered his school grounds, almost everyone around him stopped chatting. They were staring at him and Lucas suddenly felt vulnerable. Instead of looking down, he held his head up high and noticed something that changed in his peers.

They weren't glaring at him. None of the chitchatting groups seemed to be talking about him as well. Their demeanor changed and Luca couldn't quite comprehend on what was happening. None wanted to talk to him but no one was also showing signs of hate.

Lucas tried not to show how uncomfortable he felt amidst the gaze of the people around him. This was it – the moment he was waiting for. He patiently went to his locker and got out everything he needed from the day. He tried not to smile as he felt someone's hand rest on his shoulders.

"I forgive you," the voice said.

Lucas turned around and smiled at Kyle. "Thank you."

Lucas knew that everyone around them was watching his exchange with Kyle. Kyle was looking at him unusually. Lucas couldn't quite comprehend if what Kyle did was only an act or if it was really a sincere act of forgiveness. Lucas couldn't assume anything. He must not keep his guard down in case Kyle wasn't actually sincere in what he said. He had to be cautious. No one was to be trusted. This was his choice, just like his decision of choosing to meet his real mother. He had to accept the consequences of his choices. As his father always said, 'For every choice, there is always a consequence.'

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