Tag from yaafia

51 12 63

Hi guys! So I'm back again with another tag and the one who tagged me was the lovely yaafia XD You should check her account and follow her! She's so sweet! 💖💖

So for this lovely tag, I'm going to answer 47 questions honestly 😉😉

1. Full name?
Haha you can call me Els 😂 Let's leave this part a mystery! If you REALLY wanna know, well, private messages are your friend, ya know XD 😉😂👌

2. Zodiac Sign
My sun sign is Cancer 😂😂😘😘💪💪 So proud haha XD But my moon sign is Cancer which explains why I'm actually very emotional XD 😂😂👌👌
(And yes, I love astrology 🎉🎉🎉)

3. Three Fears
  - Losing a loved one
  - Being forgotten
  - Abandonment
  (I hope I get over these fears 😭😭)

4. Three Things I Love
- Family and Friendships
- Books
- Music 💖💖💖

5. Four Turn On's
😶😶 *cringe* lol but I value sincerity a lot and can see through all your acts soooo BEWARE XD 😂😂✌✌

6. Four Turn Off's
Fake people 😶😶 Definitely the fake ones

7. My best friend
I HAVE A LOT SO I CAN'T MENTION THEM ALL XD 😂😂😂✌✌✌ But ya know who you are 😉😉😉

8. Sexual Orientation
I'm actually straight but I have no problem with LGBT 💖💖😘😘 If you are an LGBT, I admire you... A LOT! FOR BEING SO COURAGEOUS AT ACCEPTING YOURSELVES 🎉🎉👌👌

9. My Best First Date
Lol never been on a date 😂😂😂

10. How tall am I
So small 😶😶😭😭 Only exactly 5 feet *sighs*

11. What do I miss
Old memories 😭😭💖💖 Moymoy_Kanashimi_07 you know what I'm talking about!!

12. What time was I born?
Hmm 4:51 pm on July 9, 2002 😂😂✌✌ Yasss I know the exact time XD

13. Favorite color
I love violet 😍😍😍 And blue XD 🎉

14. Do I have a crush?
If you mean celebrity crush then yeah XD I HAVE A LOT HAHAHA XD 😂😂😂✌✌💖💖 But in real life meh none XD

15. Favorite quote
"Our purpose in life is to live out our purpose." 😂😂😂😂 I literally just made this one up XD But if someone actually already made this quote, then credits to you haha XD 💖

16. Favorite place
Library 😂😂👌👌 Well, I'm a nerd....

17. Favorite food
Chicken and pasta 😘😘😘

18. Do I use sarcasm
NO *ROLLS EYES* 👌👌 Moymoy_Kanashimi_07 you know how much sarcasm means to me XD 😂😂✌✌

19. What am I?
An alien named Mikmik from Mars 😂😂😂😂😂👽👽👽

20. First thing I noticed in a new person
Their eyes 👌👌

21. Shoe size
8 😂😂✌✌✌ Sorry XD I got big feet! 💪💪

22. Eye color
The blackest of the night 😂😂✌✌ Just kidding XD It's dark brown haha so dark that it looks like black when light strikes XD

23. Hair color
Black 👽👌 Like my soul jk 😂😂✌✌

24. Favorite style and clothings
Casual and comfortable 👌

25. Ever done a prank call?
YASSSSS 😂😂👌👌 On a hotel in Thailand XD If you want the details 😉😉 PM me XD HAHAHA 😂😂😂

26. What color of underwear am I wearing right now
😶😶😶 *cringe*

27. Meaning behind my URL
Greek names 😉😉😂😂👌👌 I love Greek Mythology so yeah XD So Irene means beauty and Callista means peace 👌 I want to help people appreciate that through my writing so yeah XD

28. Favorite movie
Can't choose 😭😭😭 But if I have to, I'd choose the Harry Potter series of course 💖💖💖💖

29. Favorite song
Currently it's No More Sad Songs by Little Mix, Happier by Ed Sheeran and Symphony by Clean Bandit ft. Zara Larsson 💖💖💖 Can't choose between those three XD

30. Favorite band
Too many XD It's literally a lot! 😂😂👌👌

31. How do I feel right now?
Satisfied 👌👌

32. Someone I love
Family and friends and all of the people in the world xD 💖💖

33. My current relationship status
Meh 😶 Don't even go there lol not interested in these kind of things yet! But I'm open for a friendship!! 😂😂👌👌

34. My relationship with parents
Good XD 😘😘😘💖💖💖 I love them!

35. Favorite holidays
Birthdays and Christmas 🎉🎉💖

36. Tattoos and piercings I have

37. Tattoos and piercings I want
Hmm never thought about it....none.... 👌👌

38. Reason/s Why I Joined Wattpad
I want to improve writing and make new friends. I also want to inspire people to be who they are and discover more about myself and the world around me 💖💖👌👌

39. Last book I read
In real life, I reread The House of Hades. In Wattpad, I'm currently reading a lot of books XD Seriously, my library is so full 😂😂

40. Do I ever get GM or GN texts
Nope XD But I do get messages in Wattpad and messenger 😂😂😂 I'm too social for my own good sorry XD

41. Have I kissed the last person I texted?
Nope lol 😂

42. When did I last hold hands
Yesterday with my little brother awww he was sick 😐😐 But he's feeling better now :)

43. How long does it take me to get ready in the morning
An hour 😂😂😂 JUST KIDDING XD 10 - 15 minutes I guess haha

44. Have I shaved my legs in the past 3 days
Never even shaved my legs before 😂😂

45. Where am I right now
In my bedroom XD

46. If I drank and couldn't stand up...... Meh I'm underage lol 😂

47. Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? Depends 😂 I usually wear my earphones so loud XD 😂😘



Have fun answering the tag XD 😂😂✌✌😘😘

Ohh and shout-out to Moymoy_Kanashimi_07 for being the awesomest best friend I could ever ask for in real life and Wattpad XD Please check out his works and follow him. 🙌😉😘👌

- :) Els

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