Chapter 14: The Date

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"Ugh," I groaned, tentatively rubbing my face.

It didn't burn that bad. It barely hurt at all actually. I just couldn't scrunch up my face. I sat up and looked at the clock. Another 10:30 morning.

Something moved beside me and I jumped. Logan's face was buried in his pillow and he was happily snoozing.

When did I fall asleep here? Maybe during one the movies. Logan had insisted on watching them all.

I sat back and looked at Logan. I didn't remember him taking his shirt off. His hair was an absolute wreck but it was cute. I kinda wanted to play with it because it looked so soft.

God I was so juvenile. Then again, I was enjoying it because I'd never gotten the chance to be.

I turned and looked at myself in the mirror across the room. I was just a light pink color instead of a horrifying red. Hopefully I was one of those people who burned awfully and then tanned a few days after.

I was more relaxed today and I felt like doing something amazing. I looked out the open window and out over the ocean.

I smiled as a large boat sailed over the waves and up in the air, a big colorful glider flew behind it. That looked fun, I wanted to go parasailing.

I shuffled back down beside Logan and started to poke his shoulder, "Hey, hey wake up."

He grumbled and smacked his lips. I cringed at the morning breath and wondered if I had the same. Probably, but who cares.

"Logan, I know what I want to do today," I said, poking his cheek.

"...what?.." he asked without opening his eyes.

"Parasailing," I grinned.

His big green eyes flashed open and stared at me, "Are you sure? That's so high up in the air."

I nodded, "It looks awesome."

"Alright," he chuckled and then raised an eyebrow, "Did you sleep here?"

I nodded again, "I think I passed out here."

He laughed and sat up, rubbing his face and trying to flatten his hair down. I laughed as one side was totally sticking straight up.

I raised one hand and tried to pat it into place. His hair was extremely soft.

"Cut it out," Logan snorted.

"It's a mess!" I laughed.

"You should see yours!"

I felt my tangled, ratty hair and shrugged. We eventually got up and made it down to the lobby for breakfast before the breakfast nook was closed. I made sure to slather on sunscreen before we went anywhere.

I finished stuffing a cream cheese smeared bagel in my mouth as we left the hotel. Logan and I walked down the board walk and I bathed in the heat of the day.

People were everywhere, laughing and running around in the sand and on the docks.

"Wonder how we get to the parasailing place," Logan muttered.

"Dunno," I shrugged, happy enough just walking around.

I grinned as I looked up and saw an enormous ferris wheel and other amusement park rides, "Hey Logan, wanna do that?"

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