Chapter 19: Haunted Hotel

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"Well did you charge it?" Logan asked.

"Yeah, I charge it every time we stop," I sighed as I fiddled with the gps, which had stared to shit out on us.

It literally took us an hour to realize it wasn't saying anything about directions.

"We're going to have to fix it," Logan said.

"No shit," I grumbled as I banged it against my hand lightly.

"Feisty today."

I rolled my eyes and felt like snapping at him. I wondered what day it was, something felt off.

"What's today?" I asked out of curiosity. Without my phone for daily reminders, I was pretty lost on the days.

"Uh, Wednesday?" He muttered.

"Not that, like the date," I said for clarification.

Logan fiddled in his pocket and pulled out an old phone, "June fourteenth."

That made so much sense now.

"Uh oh," I grimaced and Logan looked at me.


"I um, I forgot to pack something very important so let's just take a quick pit stop somewhere cheap and I'll get what I need," I mumbled.

"What did you forget?"

I chewed my lip as I realized I forgot two very important things that I should've remembered.

"Well...for one, my birth control. And two, something I'm definitely going to need tomorrow," I groaned unhappily.

"The pills aren't that important. We can get whatever you need at the next exit," Logan shrugged.

Oh no. He didn't understand. My birth control pills kept most of the pain away and everything light. I hadn't been taking them. I could only imagine what kind of hell I was in for tomorrow, the 15th, which was usually when I started.

I sat back in the seat frustratedly. The damn gps was broken, my period was tomorrow, I was hungry, it was such a shit day.

Logan pulled off at the next exit and found a small General store. We went inside and I quickly went right to the lady product section.

"Supers? What's the difference, why do you need those?" Logan asked after I grabbed a box of fifty.

I just shook my head and kept moving. I got the tampons, some large night pads and some Motrin. Lord knows I'd be needing it.

I paid for the stuff, along with some candy and we left to get back on the interstate.

Eventually, I hit the gps hard enough that it flickered to life again. I didn't know for how long.

We had four hours left before we got to New Orleans and were just getting to the Louisiana border. We'd been running parallel to the ocean for most of the time but now we were starting to zip through little towns.

"I'm gonna nap," I said tiredly, considering I'd taken the first six hours of driving this morning.

We hadn't left early, but we hadn't left late either.

I leaned the seat back a little and curled up. Logan turned the music down slightly and I closed my eyes.


Oh ow.


Damnit, that hurts.

I opened my eyes and sat up with a hiss, "Ouch."

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