Chapter 41: Rainy Day Activities

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"Are you sure she won't fall out or something?" I mumbled worriedly.

Logan finished tying off the tarp and shook his head, "Not with the tailgate up and the tarp above her."

I carefully set Nix down and she ran to sniff her space in the bed of the truck.

Logan had had it after she had an accident in the truck for the fourth time.

No, no. Not dog pee or a few turds, not this time.

I now know what regurgitated dog food looks like. The cab of the truck was sure to reek for a few hours more, even after shampooing it.

So, Logan had pulled over on an exit to fix our problem. We ate at a diner and decided what to do.

The bags and other stuff in the bed of the truck had to be arranged carefully, like playing a weird game of Tetris and everything had to be strapped down tight.

Logan and I had both thought that we had too much crap, but as it turns out, when you place things neatly, it doesn't look so bad.

The good news is, nothing had to be thrown into the back seat to cluster up our space.

In the middle of all the bags and stuff was a big enough space for Nix to stretch out, sleep, or play.

We'd laid a towel down for her and put Barry in there to keep her company. She was suddenly too big and too accident prone to keep inside the truck at all times with us.

When I'd looked at the weather earlier this morning, there was a chance of rain. So Logan had stretched the tarp over all the bags and strapped it down neatly. Nix had a bed and a roof now.

My only hope was that she didn't freak out and loose her shit back here. I would absolutely die if she somehow fell out of the truck while we were doing eighty on the interstate.

"That'll do," Logan said, satisfied with the self made kennel.

"I'd hope so," I chuckled.

I scratched Nix behind her ears one more time before carefully pushing her back so I could close the tailgate. I even jostled it a little to make sure it wouldn't budge.

Nixs' black nose poked out of the small gap and she snorted at us.

"Sit, silly girl," I chuckled. Logan and I went around and jumped into the truck.

At my grand total, we'd only been on the road for about ten hours. It was getting late now and we'd wasted some daylight securing Nix.

Logan sat behind the wheel this time and got back on the interstate. I got out my journal and scribbled down my memories of the sunrise over the canyon.

The radio was a distant hum and Logan and I sat in comfortable silence. It was weird not having Nix sniffing around the truck or barking at a passing vehicle.

I kept looking back through the back glass widow to make sure the tarp was still over her and she hadn't Houdinied her way out of the bed.

"She's fine," Logan chuckled, his hand resting on my leg.

I turned back to the road in front of us, "I know. I also know if any dog can find their way out of something like that, it'd be Nix."

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