Chapter 38: Chicken Noodle Soup

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We did not leave after we got back from the ER.

I got back to that loft bed and promptly went to sleep. Logan thought nothing of it and crawled right back into bed with me.

The thought of him being sick because of me still swirled in my mind, but Logan was convinced he'd be fine.

If not, we'd see the symptoms and know what it was anyway. I woke up peacefully, finally not feeling like throwing up.

I still didn't feel like myself, but it's not like I was dying or anything. It was mostly achy exhaustion that was dragging me down to the bed like a weight.

Regardless, I had to pee.

So I got up and slowly climbed down the ladder. Logan was playing with Nix in the kitchen, trying to pull a shirt from her teeth.

"Ah, the beast awakens," Logan whispered to Nix, glancing at me with a smile.

I stuck my tongue out at him and went to do my business. Logan caught me as soon as I walked into the kitchen.

"How're you feeling?" He asked, tugging me to his chest.

"Hmm, better. Just sickly," I hummed tiredly, my voice still crackly, "What time is it?"

"Twelve thirty," Logan chuckled as my eyes widened. Looks like I'd slept in longer than I thought.

"You need the sleep," he shrugged, leaning down to my level.

I put my hand between us before he could go any further, "I wouldn't kiss me if I were you. I'm sick?"

Logan grinned at me, "You know I don't care. If anything, we'll be sick together."

I smiled against his lips as he kissed me. As sweet as that was, he's totally going to get sick.

"I like you being sick anyway," he said as he pulled away.

I made a face, "I don't. Why?"

"I get to take care of you," he cooed at me, making a baby face.

I laughed and shoved him away feebly, "I'm not dying. It's like a cold now."

"Either way," Logan turned and grabbed something off the counter, "Here's your meds."

I rolled my eyes but took the medication the doctor had prescribed me. I went right back to bed, settling down to just watch tv.

"You hungry?" Logan called from the kitchen.

I chewed my lip, nervous that if I ate anything, I would just throw it up, "I dunno. I'm not sure if I could hold it down."

"Well I'll just make something that's easy to throw up then."

I chuckled and sat back in the soft pillows. I was half asleep when something warm was settled in my lap.

I blinked and looked up at Logan, "What's this?"

He smiled and handed me a spoon, "Homemade chicken noodle soup."

I looked down at the bowl full of curly noodles, chunks of chicken and a steaming broth. It smelled amazing.

"Careful, its hot," Logan said as I raised a spoonful to my mouth. I blew on it and took a sip.

The broth coated the back of my throat and the chicken and noodles went down easy. It tasted as good as it smelled. Just eating it seemed to make me perk up a little.

"This is great, I feel a little better," I said to Logan as he sat on the edge of the bed, "How'd you know it'd work so well?"

He grinned, "Mom used to make it for me when I was sick. There's just something about chicken noodle soup when you don't feel well."

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