Chapter 34: Jump

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"Oh Louise it was beautiful. I can't wait to send you pictures. Could I have your address?" I asked Louise, adjusting the phone against my cheek as I brushed through Nix's fur with my fingers.

"Only if you send me a picture of that puppy too," Louise chuckled.

I laughed and tried to explain everything I had seen to her, but it was hard to fit all of my memories into just one conversation.

Logan had suggested that I call Louise on the hotels phone if I wanted to talk to her. We hadn't talked since I'd called her from that payphone.

Louise was ecstatic to hear from me again and told me about how my parents were still looking. Police kept tabs on her and even went as far as getting a warrant to search her house.

"They knew I ran. I know what they're doing," I sighed into the phone.

"That's just...wrong," she muttered, "Will you go back?"

"I have to."

"But why?"

"I left my favorite sweater," I joked and Louise laughed.

"But seriously, I need the rest of my stuff. I'll be eighteen and I can do what I like when I get back," I shrugged. My plan was fool proof when it came to legality. All I needed was 9:37 am on July 4th and I was legally my own person.

"Alright, alright," Louise agreed and then giggled, "How's your man?"

I glanced towards the bathroom door where Logan was changing and smiled, "Happily in love with me."

"What?! I fucking called it!" Louise squealed, causing Nix to sit up quickly.

I laughed, "Yeah, you saw that one before I did. Lulu, I didn't know someone could love me so much. It's so different."

"Does he kiss your cheek?"


"Call you beautiful?"

"Every morning."

"Do you love him?"

"More than I ever thought possible," I said truthfully.

Louise paused, contemplating, ".....Is he good in bed?"

"Louise!" I shrieked in embarrassment.


"Yeah..." I answered sheepishly.

"Bitch you best put a ring on it," she instructed me and I chuckled.

"He says he will follow me anywhere," I smiled to myself.

"What about his family?"

"...Logan doesn't really have family. I'm going to help him send his father to rehab when we get back. I have a few connections to help him out. He says if that doesn't work then he just can't do it anymore," I said softly so Logan wouldn't overhear.

"That's understandable. He seems like a lovely young man. I wish I could meet him to see for myself," she said.

I thought for a moment, "What if we came to see you on our way back?"

"Oh my gosh, yes!" She screamed on the other line and I held the phone away from my ear.

I chuckled, "Things are so different Lulu. I can't wait for you to see. The best thing I've ever done was take your advice."

"Well I'm glad to be of service darling," she said proudly.

"Eva, are you about ready to go?" Logan stepped out of the bathroom and looked at me.

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