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The night consisted of the two simply cuddling all day, he had given her two large hickeys, which she didn't know what they were but found out about it thanks to Yoongi sexual informations.
Her phone started buzzing so she quickly answered it.
"Come home right now!" Her brother was angry this time and she was scared to face him because she really didn't know what she had done wrong.
"What did I do this time?" She sighs
"Yoongi that's what's wrong..he's alive?"
"Y-yeah why."
"You idiot, what spell did you use?"
She started rubbing her head trying to remember what book she used, "Um I guess the Lorjex book of death but I didn't really say any spell."
"Lucy, do you realize what you've just done?"
"What did the hell did I do?! I saved his life!"
"No, you practically gave him no chance. I know you saved his life, however the spell you chanted was wrong, you made him unable to remember his family, he can't leave you because he's falling for you every day. And if he ever does leave you, he dies."
"Get your facts straight, I only operated on him. Grandmother was the one who gave him a medicine so his illness would die down." She yelled.
"What?! Grandmother..."
"Yeah..she's the one who cured his illness, but he doesn't remember where he lives so he's living with me." She says.
"Ugh, grandma is such an idiot sometimes...I'll call you back. I'll go reveres the medicine.." he said.
"NO! If you do that he'll die!"
"Lucy...the guy has a family. He's supposed to be with her, not you. But then again....either way he dies unless someone gives their body up to save his life." Taehyung suggested.
"I don't understand..."
"He has this illness, in which grandmother had cured. That's nice, but there's a side effect to that medicine she gave him. Loss of memory, falling for the wrong person, and will become overly protective of you..but if he finds his soulmate and falls in love with her, it's like breaking the spell however there's a catch..he dies. If I reverse the potion he'll be back to having the virus in him but also dies in twenty days. But if he wants to live ..I suggest you make him come to my place and we can discuss his future." Taehyung said.
"...H-he's gonna die again. After everything I've done." She said
"Yes..even if reversing the medicine, he'll end up dead because the virus will be back in his body. For him to live he has to make a deal with me..I can grant him his wishes, if he goes and be with his soulmate ..I need someone as sacrifice..I can't just let everyone live a normal life..I have to eat a soul for someone to be happy again."
"Why not just kill me and save him and his family"
"I'm not killing my own sister, but I need his bloodline or his girlfriend? Whoever she is. If she sacrifices herself then that's good for me. He lives, if you bring me someone that's related to him or her, then that's fine by me as well as long as their bloodlines are strong..I can give him a full life."
"So find me someone who's related to them, if you want your boyfriend to live" he says.
"How about I give you Ami..she's Yoongi's girlfriend...I kind of figured it out when she slapped me today." She says
"Ami? Moon Ami? Ahh...I've seen her before..yeah she'll be perfect for me to digest. But I'm gonna have Yoongi agree to it" he says. ____________________ ••CUTT~~ - I briefly read it but not all of it, so I honestly don't know wtf I wrote lol