Chapter 23

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Hiccup and Toothless were walking side by side through the castle halls. They passed some servants and knights who gazed oddly at the duo. One of the servants had a little girl with them who ran right up to Toothless and hugged his snout much to everyone's dismay. Toothless simply nuzzled the girl and sent her on her way.

The pair soon reached the castle entrance again and headed into the city. Toothless was looking around curiously while wagging his tail. Hiccup however was lost in his thoughts. He looked to the dragon who seemed to not have a care in the world. "What do you think bud? Should I stay here?"

Toothless then stopped his exploring and stared at Hiccup with a strange look before whacking him with his tail.

"Ouch!" Hiccup muttered as he rubbed the back of his head. Toothless simply gave Hiccup his gummy smile before nudging him to the square. They were still garnering stares from various people and were given a wide berth but the more curious ones, namely the children, did dare to approach them when Hiccup and Toothless decided to take a break from their exploring. Hiccup had seen the children following from a distance and couldn't help chuckling as they started to sneak closer.

"Hey mister, is that your dragon?" One of the young boys asked.

Hiccup chuckled while Toothless opened an eye from where he was sunbathing. "I wouldn't say that he is my dragon, he just seems to follow me around."

"What's your name mister and does your dragon have one?" A girl, partially hiding behind one of the boys, who Hiccup guessed could be no older than five asked curiously.

"My name is Hiccup and that is Toothless." Hiccup introduced earning several sniggers.

"Those are funny names!" The girl said as she held her hands in front of her mouth to stop laughing. Toothless' ears started to twitch when he heard the children's laughter but continued lazing on the hot cobblestones.

"Can my sister and our friends play with him?" The younger asked innocently.

"Go right ahead. He won't bite. He's actually a big softie" Hiccup said and the children let out squeals of glee. It was then that Toothless' head did shoot up but the dragon was not quick enough and was assaulted by laughing children who started to pet him.

Toothless shot Hiccup an annoyed look and then a distressed one when Hiccup indicated that he would be grabbing a drink in the tavern not so far away as one of the girls brought forth a basket of flowers.

Hiccup entered the tavern and all eyes turned towards him again as he walked towards the bar. "Can I have a mug of ale?" Hiccup asked the barkeep as he laid some copper pieces on the counter.

The barkeep quickly filled up a mug for Hiccup and shakily handed it to him. "H...Here you g...go sir." The barkeep said.

Hiccup sat at the counter as he took a sip and frowned as he was still being stared at and the barkeep was nervously wringing his hands. "Okay, what is going on?" Hiccup asked the man behind the counter. "What has gotten you so nervous?"

" eh...... you were traveling with her Highness." The barkeep said hesitantly.

"That I was" Hiccup admitted as there was no use in hiding it. "What does that have to do with-" Hiccup gestured to the audience that was listening to the conversation in the now silent tavern. Hiccup could swear that you could hear a pin drop.

"Well, you were traveling with her Highness." The barman repeated as if it was obvious. "No one just travels with her Highness and you were also accompanied by dragons. We have no quarrel with the dragons but they don't simply associate with humans."

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