Chapter 2

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Lauren's POV

I'm walking across campus when I hear someone yell "Lauren Ryder"

I turn around and see Kadie. My one and sadly only friend I have made in college.

"Kadie Mase..what's going on?"

"Heading to a club with a group of friends." I notice that she is wearing club clothes. She has on a mini skirt and shirt that covers up barely anything. "You wanna come?" She asks.

"Nah. I'm gonna go watch the game."

"Ew. Why?" She says. She's texting on her phone and I can tell she's clearly not interested in why I'm wasting my time at a basketball game.

"Just for fun. I'll see you later!" I say and walk away.

I hear her mumble some like a goodbye.

When I get there there's not that many people there. So I get a good seat. I sit down and pull out a book that I've read like a million times. And I lose myself in it.

Josh's POV.

I just got to UK. I'm so excited about the last game. The team played really well this year. I park my motorcycle and head for the basketball arena.

I'm always one of the first to get there. There is a few people here and there but I head to my usual spot. When I get closer I see there is someone in the seat next to mine. I slide past them with out them even glancing up at me. I sit in my seat and they still don't look up. I look over and see its a really pretty girl. She has black hair past her shoulders that's curled into little ringlets. She has her nose in a book. I glance over and see what she's reading. I see the name Peeta and I instantly know its a hunger games book. I smile to myself.

"You know, I hear those books are really good..I've never bothered to figure out though." I say.

"Oh they're amazing. I've read them over and over." She says still not looking up.

"Whats it about?" I ask. She finally looks up and her eyes get big. Well, bigger then they already are. They're big and blue and beautiful. I smile.

"Like you don't already know." She says. I search her face but I don't see any amusement on it. She looks mad.

"I'm sorry...I'll let you get back to reading" I say.

"Thank you." She replies impatiently

She looks back to her book, but I don't take my eyes off her. It takes me by surprise that she just blew me off like that. I mean, it seems like lately that's all girls ever do, but I atleast expected a hunger game fan to be excited.

I hear her sigh and she closes her book and turns her body toward me.

"I'm sorry..that was rude. I get a little caught up in my reading." She says with a laugh.

"No problem. I'm Josh. Whats your name?" I say offering my hand.

"My name's Lauren Ryder." She shakes my hand.

"Well its nice to meet you Lauren." I say and smile.

Lauren's POV.

I can't believe I am setting here talking to Josh Hutcherson! And I also can't believe how hostile I was toward him! Stupid. Stupid. Stupid!

The games about to start and Josh gets lost in it. I decide to actually pay attention. Its kind of fun cheering for the team. I catch Josh looking at me a couple times so I try to get the hang of when to cheer and when to boo. Fortunatly he's too into the game to notice me all the time.

The game ends too soon. Josh leaves to talk to the coach and I head outside. It's still early in the night and I don't feel like going back to my dorm. I find a bench outside the arena and put mmy headphones in. I turn on my favorite song. Radioactive by Imagine Dragons. I pull out mu sketch book and start drawing. I don't really pay attention to what I'm drawing until I notice its Josh. I shake my head and rip it out laughing at myself.

"What'd you do that for? I liked it!" I hear from behind me.

I jump and stand uo turning around to see who spoke. My cheeks turn red when I see its Josh.

"I...I'm sorry. You probably think I'm weird." I say.

"No! Its actually quite flattering!" He says. He smiles a cute half smile.

I laugh.

Josh's POV.

Wow. She has a pretty smile. And her laugh is amazing.

I feel my phone go off in my pocket. I glance at it and its from my mom.

"Don't forget we're having dinner tonight! Xoxox -mom"

"Well Lauren, tonight was fun..but I have plans with my family..hopefully I'll see you around." I say. I smile at her.

"Maybe." She says.

I start to walk away. Should I give her my number? I turn around she's setting back down with her earbuds in sketching again. She seems nice, but I don't know her well enough. Maybe I'll see her again and we can talk more. Maybe, but maybe not.

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