Chapter 3

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Lauren's POV.

I wake up to the sound of my alarm going off. Its 6:00 and I got to be at work at 7:30. I take a quick shower and dry my hair straight. I pull it into a topknot. I put some mascara on. I walk out of the bathroom in a robe and change into my work uniform. I work at an off-campus cafe. I wear a faded red and cream polo shirt and cream colored capris.I slip on a pair of white vans, grab my keys and head out.

Its early June and it feels really good outside. I glance down at my watch and see that I still have a half hour before I have to be at work so I decide to walk.I put my headphones in and listen to Counting Stars by One Republic.

I get to work and start baking the muffins, cookies, and cakes that we sell. I always work quietly and to myself. I start cleaning off the tables when I see a black motorcycle pull up in front of the cafe. I already know who's it is and I can't help but smile.

Josh's POV

I decide to go to a cafe this morning so I can get some breakfast and relax outside of the hotel I've been staying at.

I walk in and set at a small table for two by the big front window. I grab a menu and look it over.

"Can I help you?"

I look up and see the waitress. I can't help but smile when I see it's Lauren.

"I was hoping I'd run into you again." I say still grinning.

"I wouldn't know what makes me so special." She says with a smile. "What can I get you?"

"Uhm", I say skimming over the menu again. "I'll just a have a cup of black coffee and a cinnamon roll"

"Coming right up." She says and walks away. I can't help but watch her. I don't know what it is that intrigues me about her. But everytime she catches my eye I feel a flutter in my stomach. She starts to walk back over and I pretend to be watching an old couple looking in a flower shop window accross the street.

She sets down my coffee and a plate with a huge cinnamon roll.

"Oh no" I say

"What's wrong?" She asks, her eyebrows pulling together with confusion.

"I have this ginormus cinnamon roll, and no one to share it with" I say, acting frusturated.

To my surprise she actually starts laughing aloud.

"Well what do you want me to do about it?" She asks still laughing.

"Why don't you join me?" i ask. She seems to think about and for a second I think she'll say no but she nods and says "I get off in 10 minuets."

I drink my coffee and read a local newspaper until she gets off. I see her walk into the bathroom and when she comes back out she's wearing light pink denim shorts and a white see through shirt with a pink tanktop underneath. She wears her hair down now and it falls in waves over her shoulders.

"I'm actually not that hungry and it feels great outside, do you want to just go for a walk instead?" She asks

"I'd love to."

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