Chapter 16

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Lauren's POV

Josh is out at a meeting with his publicist and the director of Journey 3. Me and Jennifer decide to go to the beach and Liam makes plans to meet us there. I wear a red bikini under a white tanktop and shorts. Jen wears a blue bikini under a sundress. I grab my sunglasses and we head out. When we get to the beach we walk toward a part that don't have a lot of people.

"The waves are nice. Liam will enjoy that." Jen says.

"Yeah, Josh would too. I wish he could be here." I say sadly.

"He works a lot. I know he wishes he could be with you too." She says.

"You work a lot too Jen." I say.

"It gets to much at times."

"I can see how stressed it makes you." I pat her knee trying to reassure her. She smiles.

"It's days like this that keep me going." She says.

Then her boyfriend, Nick, shows up. They walk over to the water and I lay down to get some sun. I think about Josh. He's going to have to go off to film for Mockingjay soon. I haven't had time to ask him when, and no one else has told me. He's trying to get some down time.

"Beautiful day." I hear someone say. I look up and it's Liam.

"Sure is." I say as he sets beside me.

"Where's Josh?"

"Meeting." He nods his head in understanding. "Do you want to learn how to surf?" He asks.

I think about it. I'd love too, but I'd much rather Josh teach me. If he ever gets the time. I shake my head.

"Well do you wanna swim?" I agree and we walk out to the water.

It's nice. Not freezing. Just right. I don't go any further than my waist. Jennifer knocks me over and we fall in. We laugh at each other then a wave comes and knocks us both down. Nick and Liam laugh so hard they almost cry. She punches Nick in the arm and he pulls her down into the water with him. I push Liam and we both laugh. He holds my hands up and intertwines our fingers. I feel flutters in my stomach.

"Pushing people isn't nice." He says smiling. I feel more flutters in my stomach. Why do I feel like this?

"Neither is laughing at people!" I exclaim. At that time I see Josh standing at the waters edge. I think about what he sees. Me and Liam laughing, our fingers intertwined. I pull my hands back and Liam looks at where Josh is standing. He pulls back. Josh walks away. I watch him walk further down the beach. I decide to give him time. I walk over to where Jen and Nick are dunking each other. Liam gets his surf board and starts to paddle put to deeper water.

Me and Jen get out and watch liam surf. I glance over to see Josh still setting by himself. Jennifer must see the concern in my face because she asks me what's wrong.

"It's Josh. He's been acting different."

"How?" She asks nonchalantly.

"I don't know. Like the other day when you asked me if I was mad at him he said that he should have been the first person to find me, not liam. And when I told him Liam called me he got mad. And just now he saw me and liam with our hands together."

"He probably thinks that you have a thing for Liam." She says.

"Hmm." Is all I say.

"Do you?" She asks.

I look over at Liam. He's got a big wave and he's surfing it. I hide a smile. "I don't kmow. Maybe? But I mean if I do it doesn't even compare to how I feel about Josh. I don't think I have feelings for him. I mean when I see Liam I feel little flutters on my stomach, but when I see Josh. It's like, I'm floating on air towards him. It's like gravity pulling me to him. It may be crazy but when I see Josh I don't see anyone else."

She nods. "Are you in love with him Lauren?" She asks.

I think about it. I don't know. I've never been in love. Shouldn't you know when you feel it? I mean I love him, but I've only known him a month.

"I don't think so...I mean not yet. I know if I was going to fall in love with anyone it would be him. I've never been so close to anyone like I am with him. Well, besides Sam. He is the only person alive that knows about my past that wasn't a part of it. There's nothing Josh don't know about me."

"You trust him. Do you trust me?" She asks. I nod.

"I'll tell you about my past when the times right." She nods. I stand up and walk over to Josh. I set beside him and he puts his hand on my knee. I wrap my arms around him and watch him but he never looks at me. He just stares out to the horizon.

"I love you. Know that Lauren. Please." He finally says. Still not looking at me.

" I know you do. I just don't know why." I admit. He looks at me.

"Because. Everything is easy with you." He says.

"You love me because I'm easy?" I say. He looks at me like I'm stupid. He stands up.

"You're impossible." And walks away. I stare at him in disbelief.

I start running after him. "Well excuse me! You just said I was easy, but now I'm impossible?!" I demand yelling.

He turns around and gets in my face. "When you learn to listen to what I say then we can talk." And he walks away.

I walk over to jen. She watches Josh walk to his car and drive away.

"Can I stay with you?" I ask her.

"Of course" she says. Without asking any questions. We leave the beach and I cry the whole way to her apartment.

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