Chapter 8

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Lauren's POV

The first thing I see when I wake up is Josh's jacket thrown across my desk chair. Where he left it. I smile. This gives me a reason to see him. When I pick up my phone I see that he has already texted me. I smile even bigger.

"Can I pick you up in a half hour? -Josh"

"Yes, what should I wear?"

"Something comfortable that you can walk in -Josh"

I decide on a pair of light blue denim shorts and a strapless top and a pair of converse. I pull my hair into a pony tale and pin my bangs back. Its supposed to be really hot today so I fill up a water bottle. I'm too impatient to wait for Josh in my dorm so I walk outside. I sit on the sidewalk and listen to atlas by coldplay.

A few minuets later I see Josh walking toward me. I smile and stand up.

"Hey" he says and kisses me.

"Hi." I say and wrap my arms around his waist. "What are we doing today?" "

I thought maybe we could go to this lake out by my hometown?" He says.

"That sounds perfect."

We walk with our fingers intertwined toward what I thought would be his car, but then I see his motorcycle.I stop.

"What? You're not scared are you?" He says.

"Not at all."

He hands me a helmet and I put it on. He gets on first then I slide on behind him. I wrap my arms around him and bury my face in this his back.

It's a long ride to the lake Josh was talking about, but I enjoy it. It's a gorgeous day and the wind from the motorcycle feels nice. We don't talk much, considering that we wouldn't be able to hear each other anyway. I start to think about me and Josh. What are we exactly? A couple? Is Josh Hutcherson my boyfriend? What about when he leaves to go back to his career?

My thoughts are interrupted when the motorcycle slows down. We pull into an unmarked road that seems to go on forever, but then I see it. A beautiful waterfall falling from a big cliff type thing, and at the bottom a lake. Sitting under an oak Tree I see a blanket folded up with a basket setting on top of it. I look at Josh with my eyebrows raised. He shrugs.

"I told my mom to bring this stuff" he says

We walk over to the blanket and lay it out beside the edge of the lake. We open the basket and there's sandwiches, a canteen full of lemonade, and a bowl of watermelon.

"This all looks great, but I'm not that hungry." I say.

"That's fine...maybe we could go swimming?" He asks.

I look over to the water.

"I didn't bring a swimsuit." I say disappointed.

He stands up and takes my hands and pulls me up. "Swim in what you're wearing." He replies. I smile and nod. I take off my shoes and Josh does the same. Then he takes off his shirt and jeans so he's left standing in his boxers. I can't help but to stare at him. He has a tattoo of an anchor on his side. I hear him clear his throat and I look back up to his eyes. I can feel my face get red from embarrassment.

"I'm sorry" I say. But he just laughs and takes my hand.

We start walking to a path that leads up to the top of the cliff.

"We're going to jump off the cliff into the water first?" I ask

"Yes m'am."

"Ladies first" he says when we get to the top.

"Can we go together?" I ask. He smiles and grabs my hand.

"On three" he says. "1"



And we jump.

A Dream Come True (Josh Hutcherson fanfic)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat