Chapter 28

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Lauren's POV


Today is Valentine's day. I told Josh I didn't want anything or to do anything and surprisingly he agreed with me. He's helping his dad work on his motorcycle and I'm going shopping with his mom. She needs to buy herself a dress because she's going out to dinner with Josh's dad.

"So why don't you want to do anything special with Josh tonight?" Michelle asks me while we look for dresses.

"Well every day is special with Josh." I say with a laugh.

She says awh and smiles at me. Then I see a really beautiful dress. It's a black mini dress with lace long sleeves.

"Wow this is beautiful." I say. Michelle looks over at it.

"I is. You won't see something like that again. I'd get it if I were you." She says nonchalantly.

I decide to. I mean what's it gonna hurt?

When we get back to the house were carrying our shopping bags. She bought a red sundress looking dress and red flats. I bought the black dress and some black stilettos to go with it.

Josh is standing in the kitchen in a black and white suit. Two dozen roses in his hands, chocolate in the other, and a huge stuffed teddy bear beside him. I drop my bags and cover my mouth with my hands. I feel tears.

"I know you said you didn't want to do anything, but I can't not give you an amazing Valentines Day." He says.

I wipe my eyes and I can't stop smiling. He walks over pulls me in his arms and kisses the top of my head.

"I love you more than words can express. I love you to the moon and back. I love you more than my life." He says.

"That last parts scary." I say laughing.

"Indeed. Now why don't you go put that pretty dress on?" He asks.

I look at Michelle. She's crying to. A big smile on her face.

"You knew about this?" I ask.

"Of course I did!" She says.

I put my dress on and do my makeup. I curl my hair and it falls in waves over my shoulder.

"Where are we going?" I ask Josh when we're in the car.

"Some place special." Is all he says.

"You're a pain in the butt sometimes, Hutcherson. You know that?" I say laughing.

"Yes I'm aware." He replies. He intertwines his fingers in mine.

We pull in front if the restaurant that me and Josh had dinner at the night we first kissed. We walk inside and we're the only ones there. There's a table for two in the middle of the dining area. Candles light up all around us. Rose pedals all around the table. I cover my face with my hands again. I feel his hand on my back.

"This is all for you baby." He says.

We set down at the table. The waitor brings out some pizza. I raise my eyebrows at Josh.

"It's your favorite so I figured you'd rather have it than anything else."

"You figured right."

After pizza the waitor brings out some chocolate cake. It tastes amazing.

"It's feel bad now." I say when we're walking back to the car. It's actually a really warm night even though it's February.

"Why?" He says.

"Because you planned all this, and I didn't get you anything." I tell him.

"Just being with you is the greatest gift you could get me." He says. I smile and kiss him.

"I love you."

"I love you too baby."


I drift off in the car. But when I wake up were pulling in front of the cabin.

"I thought we weren't coming here until tomorrow?" I ask.

"I figured we'd be OK to come early." He says.

I didn't even know he packed suitcases for us.

We walk inside and lay our stuff down. He wraps his arms around me.

"Actually the truth is, our vacation got cut short. I have an interview in LA Monday." He says.

Today is Friday. I don't want to ruin our getaway by being sad about having to leave so I decide to just enjoy what time we have.

"Well then what do want to do?" I ask him.

"Well, there is a hotub, and some champagne and strawberries. Sound fun to you?" He asks.

I smile and nod. "I don't have a bathing suit though." I say.

"Well than I guess you gotta go in what you're wwearing." He says and winks at me. Then he picks me up and walks with me out to the deck where the hot tub is.

"No Josh! Put me down!" I scream. But I'm laughing so he knows I'm joking. Then he throws me in the hot tub, with my dress on and everything! I gasp and he laughs at me. I take my shoes off and throw them at him. Then I grab his hand and pull him in, suit and all.

"Oh you're gonna get it now!" He says pulling me to him so I'm setting on his lap with one leg on either side of his. He starts to kiss me. I slide his jacket off his shoulders. Laughing against his lips at the thought of both of us in expensive clothes in the hot tub. He pulls back looking at me questioningly. I just shake my head and pull his face closer to mine.

I undo his tye and pull his shirt off him then his undershirt. He starts to undo the zipper on my dress. I remove his pants and we're now in our under clothes. He starts to kiss my neck and I run my hands through his hair.

"I love you so much." He says between kisses.

"I think I'm in love with you." I say but it comes out as more of a gasp from being lost of breath from kissing him.

He pulls back. His eyes wide.

"You think or you know?" He asks.

"I know. I am in love with you Josh." I say.

"I'm in love with you too Lauren." He says kissing me more and carrying me back inside into the bedroom.





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