Chapter 5

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Two days later-Friday

Dress for dinner

Lauren's POV

Today is the day that I have dinner with Josh. But right now I'm sitting in my dorm. My bestfriend, Sam came to visit me.

"So you've known Josh for two days and you're already going on a date with him?" He says skeptically.

"It's not a date, Sam." I say. I'm sitting on my bed playing my guitar. Sam is sprawled out on my floor watching some movie on the tv. He has a flatbill snapback on, a blue shirt with some skateboarding brand on it, and baggy khaki-colored shorts and skateboarding shoes.

"Whatever you say Ryder. Have you told him anything about your past? About me?" He says

"No." I say.

"Don't you think he'll find out soon enough?"

"How is he going to find out?"

"I don't know. Maybe you should tell him."

"Oh yeah? How do you plan for me to tell him, Sam?! Just be like 'Oh Josh, I love your shoes, by the way, my parents didn't want me so I ended up with foster parents that hit me and one day I got tired of it so I ran away and almost starved to death." I say.

He gets up and sets by me on the bed. He puts his arm around my shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Lauren."

"You just don't think sometimes. Its not an easy thing to talk about. I know you had bad times too, Sam. And I honestly don't know how you can talk about it so easily."

"Because it wasn't that hard for me. And I don't dwell on it. I let my experiences build me up, not break me down. You should try to do the same." He says.

It is true. My childhood was a lot different then Sam's. I only had one foster family. And everytime I did something wrong I definitely got punished for it. Just thinking about it reminds me of the fear I felt everytime I knew I messed up. I'd get smacked and sometimes they'd punch me in the side. When I was 16 I accidentaly broke one of my foster moms nicknacks and she got mad and pushed me and I fell down the stairs. That's the day I ran away. I didn't get far. I found a remote beach that I stayed at. I was missing for a week, then my social worker found me. My foster parents apologized and I stayed with them for a few more months and they were a lot nicer, but I just never felt comfortable so I ran away again. That's when Michelle found me. Michelle and her husband, Derek, take in troubled teens that have no where else to go. I went to thier farm they had in Georgia. That's where I met Sam. Sam was 18 and he had been given up by his mom, because she was a teen mom. Sam never stayed in one place longer then a year, and michelle found him when he was 16. Me and Sam instantly became bestfriends. We understood each other and we've been inseperable since.

"I try to." I say.

"So when are you going on your date?" Sam says winking and elbowing me in the ribs jokingly.

"Its not a date!" I say pushing him off the bed. We both laugh. I look at my watch amd see that its 5 and we're having dinner at 7. "But I do have to get ready." I say.

Sam stands up and stretches. He looks at his phone.

"Well, good luck to you. I'm gonna go see what kind of trouble I can get into with Kadie." He walks out.

I roll my eyes. When I first started hanging out with Kadie and she met Sam she never stopped talking about him. They started to date but then they realized they didn't want anything serious. Now every few months when Sam comes to visit me he spends a few nights with Kadie. They still don't want to be serious but they do hookup a few times every visit. Sam isn't the biggest gentleman in the world.

I decided to wear a short black dress. Im a few inches short than Josh so I decide heels would be ok, so I wear a pair of black stilletos. I pull my hair up and curl my hair in little ringlets around my face. I got my nails done earlier and they're French manicured. I'm ready for dinner.

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