Chapter 22

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Joshs POV

I don't feel like gettIng out of bed. I haven't in three days. Haven't moved at all. My phone rings Non stop. I always know who it is. It's my publicist being pissed at me. Or my mom wanting to comfort me. Or Jennifer trying to help me get better. They're the main ones that call. And some other friends. I always ignore it. I got so annoyed that I threw it against the wall.

I can't stop thinking about Lauren. What am I going to do without her? I know she wants me to move on. I'll do it for her. I'll move on.



Josh's POV

I have to go to an award show tonight. I know she's going to be there. She's coming with him. I told him I didn't care about them dating. Anything to help her. I still haven't moved on, even though I've seen an old girlfriend a few times (just to try to get her off my mind. Even though it didn't work), I want her to try to move on. Maybe he can help her with that.

I haven't seen her since that day in the airport. I knew something was wrong. I just knew it. Now she's gone.


Lauren's POV

It's been 6 months since my talk with Josh. I haven't seen him. Or talked to him. It's the hardest thing I've ever done. I started dating someone. I was hesitant at first. What would Josh think of me dating one of his friends? Then the next time the guy asked me for a date he said Josh wanted me too. I agreed to help Josh. Maybe if I saw someone he would too. And he did. And it hurt. A lot. To see pictures of him kissing another girl was the worst experience. But I'm going to see him in person now. I'm going to an award show with my boyfriend. Josh's friend. He walks through the door now.

"Hey Liam." I say. He kisses me. It feels wrong. Not like when I kissed Josh.

"Hey Lauren. You look beautiful." He says.

"Thank you." I say. I don't blush like I would've if Josh had said that.

"Of course." He says kissing me. I feel flutters in my stomach. I kiss him back. I wrap my arms around him holding him against me.

I like Liam. I really really like him. But it's just not the same as with Josh.


We get there and we step out of the limo together holding hands. Liam smiles bright. I'm glad I make him happy. He makes me happy, when I'm not stricken with grief from losing Josh. And with Sam. He tries to calm me down. But Josh does better. I watch videos of him when I'm sad. It makes me happy and even more sad when I watch them.

This isn't the first time people have seen us together. We've been together for 2 weeks now. And we spend most of our time in public. Not really intentionally, just because that's what we'd rather do. Liam tries to get me to open up to him but I can't. I change the subject a lot and we mostly talk about him. I don't sing anymore. Just to myself when I'm alone. And it's never happy songs. It's not fair to Liam. I'm using him. And he knows it.

We walk past cheering fans. I tune out what they say. Knowing that someone will ask me about Josh. He'll be here. I know it. I'm scared. What little success of made of moving on will be gone. In one glance, all the self control I walk with now will vanish. I won't be able to hold on any longer. I shouldn't have came. I shouldn't be here. This is his turf. I have no reason to be here. Yet I came. Because I'm selfish. And self destructive. I'm going to hurt him and kill myself in side.

We get to the interviewers. The nice ones just asked questions like "How are you guys as a couple?" And just pointless things. Then we get to a guy already know is a jerk. I want to go away.

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