Chapter 31

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Lauren's POV

It's been two weeks since Josh's interview. He's been really busy with work and I haven't got to see him much lately. He has work to do today too. He's meeting with the producers of journey today. I made him some breakfast and he's eating now and going over his script. Jen and Liam came home yesterday for a few days, but they've been busy with interviews and things and Jen is getting ready for the Oscars too.

I don't have anything planned today so I just figure I can do some shopping and maybe see if Jena wants to do something. I take a shower and put on yoga pants and one of Josh's shirts that are too big on me over top of my bikini just in case I decide to go to the beach. I put on my sperrys too. I pull my hair into a top knot and put on some mascara.

When I go downstairs Josh is heading out the door.

"Wait!" I say stopping him.

"What baby? I'm in a hurry." He says.

"Is just want a kiss." I tell him.

He leans down to kiss me and I jump on him making him fall down. I laugh against his lips.

"Lauren. I'm going to be late." He says.

"Ugh you used to be fun." I say still sitting on him.

"I'm sorry. Everything has been really hectic lately." He says.

I lay my head on his chest. "I know. I just miss you." I say.

"Is miss you too baby. We'll get away this weekend." He says. "I need to get up though." He says. But about that time Driver comes over and starts licking Josh in the face. "No driver!" Josh says laughing.

I get up and help Josh up. I wrap my arms around him. "I love you." I tell him.

"I love you" he says then he's gone.


I'm sitting on the couch when Josh calls me a few hours later.

"Hello?" I answer.

"I'm on break for about 5 minuets. What are you doing?"

"Me and Driver are watching Nemo and eating sushi. I almost feel bad." I say laughing.

"You're watching the saddest fish movie ever and eating fish? Very cruel Lauren." He laughs.

"It's okay, I'm only a few minutes in the movie and the sushi is all gone."

"Fish are friends not food." He says quoting the movie.

"You're exactly right. Maybe I should have ordered pizza."

"That'd be more humane."

"Indeed it would."

"Do you have everything packed for this weekend?" He asks.


"Okay good. Mom and dad are going to New York so it will be us and Connor."


"What are you going to do today?"

"I don't know."

"Well Liam is off so maybe you could hang out with him."

"You'd be okay with it?" I ask.

"Yes. I know you miss hanging out with him and I know he does too. You guys were good friends. And I trust both of you." He says.

"I love you so much." I say.

"I love you too baby. Call Liam. But I gotta go so I'll see you when I get home. Bye."

A Dream Come True (Josh Hutcherson fanfic)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora