Chapter 4

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Laurnen's POV

We walk in silence for a little bit just enjoying the peaceful Kentucky morning.I'm starting to think we won't talk at all when Josh stops me.

"Lauren, I need to tell you something." He says. His face looks serious but he's still smiling.

"Go ahead." I tell him. I start to think about what it could be.

"I've never really done this before." He starts. I'm confused now. Done what? Walk down the street? "I don't usually find myself hanging out with people who I haven't known for awhile. It takes me a while to trust someome. And usually I just hang out with other people in the business, because they know what its like."

"Know what what's like?" I ask.

"'re as known as I am, it's hard to trust people with your...privacy. Like I've been betrayed by a lot of people. Like some of my friends that aren't in the business have put my phone number on the internet and a lot of other things. I just want to be able to trust you. And I've wondered why I felt like I had to talk to you last night at the game, and why I was happy to see you today, and honestly I don't know the answer. But I want to see where this, whatever it is, is going." He says.

We have started walking again and I think about what would be the best thing to say. What can I say? What do I want? I mean he is Josh Hutcherson, but I'm a problem and I don't want to drag him into my life. Ecspecially now, when everything just seems to be getting worse.But I've never been the wisest person so I just smile and say

"Well then how do I get you to trust me?"

This makes him smile even bigger. He has perfect white teeth. I look and see what he's wearing. A blue UK shirt and blue jeans and tennis shoes. He looks good. I mean its Josh Hutcherson and he always looks Good but he looks even more amazing and perfect in person.

"Well, I just need to get to know you. Tell me about yourself." He says.

I think about it for a second. Tell him about myself? What does he want to know? I can't tell him everything. Not anything that happened in Florida. Nothing about my childhood. But what else is there that wouldn't make me look boring? I decide to take the easy way out and just say

"Well, ask me what you want to know. "

He thinks about it.

"How long have you been able to draw?" That's a Good question and definitely safe enough to answer.

"Well, I guess I've always been able to draw. I never really got into tv or a lot of video games so I just started to draw. And people would tell me that they looked good so I just started to try harder. And eventually I learned to like them too." I say.

We walk some more in silence. We're in the park now walking around. Kids are playing on the playground and mothers are talking while sitting on park benches. I see an older guy probably in his late 40's throw a frisbee and his golden retriever run after it. Theres a squirrel running across a tree branch and scaring away a blue bird.

"What do you like to draw?" He asks.

"Just about anything. Sometimes I sit in a park, like this one, and just let the world be my muse."

"If you were here by yourself and was drawing what would you draw,"

I look back around the park. And I see the same old couple from the flower shop sitting on a park bench. A dozen yellow roses by the old women's side. She sits there knitting and her husband has a newspaer in his hand. He's not reading but he's looking at her.I smile to myself as I think about how long they've been together and what all they've experienced side by side.

"I would draw them." I say pointing at the couple.

"Why?" He asks. And I search his face. He didn't ask it rudely or sarcastically. He seems genuinely interested and curious.

"Well, because when I look at just makes me feel happy. And peaceful. To know that you could love someone as long as they've probably loved each other...its..its an amazing thing." I explain.

Josh doesn't say anything for a couple minutes so I look up at him. He's standing there smiling at me. I smile back at him and start laughing a little.

"What?" I ask him.

"That is the most amazing thing I've ever heard." He says. Then his fingers gaze the back of my hand for just a second. Did he mean to do that?

"So besides drawing and reading what else do you like to do?" He continues.

"I'm actually a boring person." I laugh. "I like music."

"Like, just listening to it? Or do you sing? Play any instruments?"

"Actually I do sing a little bit. And I taught myself to play guitar and piano."

He looks amazed.

"So will I be able to hear you sing?"

"Maybe." I say.

Just then I hear a scream.

I look around and see a little girl that has fallen off her bike. I run over to her. I kneel down beside her.

"Hi honey. What happened?" I ask.

"I..fell...down..." she says sobbing between each word.

"Where's your mom?" Josh asks kneeling beside the little girl.

" to...stay..over...there..while...she talked to..her boss." She says.

"Ok honey move your hand so I can see." I say she has her hand covering up her knee.

"But it..hurtss" she says crying even harder.

I start to sing the itsy bitsy spider to distract her. She moves her hands and I see that she is bleeding a little bit. She starts to sing with me and I get a tissue out of my bag and start dabbing at the blood. She winces here and there but she mostly just watches me and sings along.

"Jamie!!" I hear someone yell. I look up to see a lady that looks about 30 walk towards us.

"I'm sorry mommy!" The little girl says. And I realize that she must be Jamie.

The women picks up Jamie and put a bandaid on her knee.

"I'm sorry to worry you." I say. "I saw her fall and I wanted to calm her down."

Her mother nods and smiles. "Thank you so much."

I wave at Jamie and walk back over to Josh.

Josh's POV.

Lauren just sang to a little girl to make her stop crying. This girl just seems to get more and more amazing. I look at my watch and see that its almost 3:00. I have to get back to the hotel so I can skype my publisict and figure out when I should go back to LA.

"Lauren, today was fun. But I need to go." I say.

Her smile fades a little bit but it stays.

"Ok. you want my number?" She asks.

I bite my lip and think about it. She doesn't seem like someone that would give my number away but I still have only known her for two days.

"Uhh, yeah. You can give it to me and then I'll call you from the hotel phone." I say.

She nods in understandment. She wrtes her number on a piece of paper and hands it to me.

" I know a really good restraunt it Lexington, and I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go to dinner with me friday night? I ask. Its Wednesday now.

"Sure" she says with a smile. "What should I wear?"

"I'll be wearing a tux. So figure it out." I say with a wink and walk away.

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