Chapter 36

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Josh's POV

Today is Lauren's birthday. She thinks I don't know and she's been trying really hard to keep it a secret. But the other day I heard her tell Jen that her birthday was coming up and that she wished she was here so they could go to the Imagine Dragons concert today together. I can't get Jen home for the concert but I can definitely get tickets so me and Lauren can go.


I have the tickets sitting on the counter and I'm making coffee when Lauren gets up. She doesn't notice the tickets.

"Morning Baby" I say pouring her a cup of coffee.

"Good morning." She says taking the cup and adding creamer. She gets an orange out of the fridge and sits at the table.

"What do you want to do today?" I ask

"Be sad"


"Because Jens not here and-" she stops. Not wanting me to know it's her birthday I assume.

"And what?"

"Nothing. I just miss her."

"Are you sure it's not because it's your birthday and you want to go to the concert?" I ask. She looks up at me.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I just didn't want you to spend money on me." She says. I laugh.

"Too bad." I reply. I reach over to the counter and show her the tickets. She covers her mouth and starts screaming.

"Oh my gosh!! You're the best boyfriend ever!" She yells. She jumps into my arms, wrapping her legs around my waist and kisses me. "Thank you so much! I love you!" She squeals.

"You're welcome." I say sitting her down.

"This is the best thing ever!" She says


Lauren's POV

Josh had some things to do, so I spent the day getting ready for the concert. I listened to Night Visions all day which is Imagine Dragons cd. The lead singer, Dan, is so talented.

I fall asleep around 2 in the afternoon and I wake up to my phone ringing. It's Karsey.


"Hey girl! What's up?" She says

"I was actually asleep." I say laughing. I stand up and walk downstairs.

"Oh! I'm sorry I woke up!" She apologizes.

"it's okay. I needed to get up anyway."

"Alright. Well Happy Birthday!" She exclaims.

"Thanks Karsey!"

"Of course! You're officially 21! How's it feel?"

"Like 20 felt." I say with a laugh. I find some popcorn and put it in the microwave.

"You're so funny. Anyway how's things with you and Josh? A magazine said y'all broke up! But then I saw Josh on a talk show and he said that everything's good but I didn't know if he was telling the truth or not." She says.

"We're still together. What he said was true. We had a disagreement, but we worked out and we're okay now."

"That's great! Elise is at school but she drew you a picture and I sent it in the mail this morning."

"Awh thanks Karsey! I can't wait to see it!"

"No problem. Daniel is calling me, I'll talk to you later!"

"Okay bye!" I say and hang up.

I get my popcorn out of the microwave and I start looking for a movie. Josh has tons. I start in the first shelf. It's like 3 rows of movies on one shelf. When I get to the last row on the bottom shelf I find Little Manhattan. I smile. Of course Josh would hide it. He's so bashful. I put it in the dvd player and get halfway through it when my phone rings again. It's Liam this time.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Happy birthday!" He says

"'d you know?" I ask

"Jen" he says and at the point I hear Jen yell in the background 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY'

"Tell her I said thanks." I laugh

"Will do. I sent something in the mail for you for your birthday."

"Liam you didn't have to do that."

"I know but I wanted too."

"Well what is it?"

"I'm not gonna tell you! It's a surprise."

"I'm don't like surprises!" I say

"'s the first still from Mockingjay and you're the very first person to have one." He replies



"Liam! Oh my gosh! This is amazing thank you so much! What's it of?"

"Now that is a surprise." He says.

I groan. "You're killing me!" I yell

"Tell her I sent something too!" Jen yells

"I'm guessing you heard that." Liam say.

"I did" I say laughing.

"And I don't know what it is so don't ask." He laughs.

"You're a bad liar." I say

"Well I'm more afraid of Jen then you so I'm not going to risk anything."

"I don't blame ya"

"So are you coming to Georgia with Josh?" He asks

"Probably. I mean with all of you there I'll be by myself here. So I don't want that."

"I know it'll be hard for you to be here. Just know that we're all here for you. Oh! And Sam said happy birthday too. And he sent you something."

I was confused for a moment then I realize that the Sam he's talking about is Sam Claflin.

"Well tell him I said thank you! And thanks for understanding Liam."

"No problem. I'll talk to you later okay?"

"Okay. Bye."

"Bye." And he hangs up.


I finish getting ready for the concert. I wear a pair of shorts, an Imagine Dragon's t-shirt, and a pair of converse.

When Josh gets home he asks me if I'm ready to go and I nod. I'm going to see my favorite band in the whole world!

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